About Scenario
Streamflow Reconstructions
Statistics & Visualizations
Streamflow Sequences
The main objective of this resource is to
provide a framework for the use of tree-ring data in
creating drought scenarios for water managers.
COLLABORATORS - This resource was
developed as part of a collaboration between the
University of Arizona's
Laboratory of
Tree-Ring Research (LTRR), Arizona State
Decision Theater, and the
East Valley Water Forum. Support was provided
by the
Arizona Water Institute.
The tree-ring research which supplied streamflow
reconstruction data for this resource was funded by the
Salt River
Project (SRP). Dave Meko and Katie Hirschboeck
were the LTRR researchers collaborating with SRP on this
Project Wepage
In addition to the above, this website includes input
and links from many other contributors, especially the
SAHRA Scenario Development Group and the
Western Water
Assessment (WWA) site on "Tree-Ring
Reconstructions of Streamflow for Water Management in
the West" authored by Jeff Lukas and Connie
Tree rings have become increasingly recognized as
important sources of information about the longterm
variability of both climate and streamflow. As
ongoing drought in western U.S. continues to impact water supplies
from Colorado to Arizona to California, new
collaborations between water managers and
tree-ring researchers have been forged to explore ways
in which multi-century, high-resolution tree-ring
reconstructions can be used to inform water resource
planning and management decisions. One such
project was the LTRR-SRP collaboration noted above
titled: "A Tree-Ring
Based Assessment of Synchronous Extreme Streamflow
Episodes in the Upper Colorado & Salt-Verde-Tonto River
Basins" (hereafter referred to as
LTRR-SRP-I). The results can be found on the
Project website and have since been incorporated
into aspects of SRP's water resources operations.
The AWI-funded project "Improved
Tools for Drought Planning and Management"
proposed a collaboration between Arizona State
University, the University of Arizona, and the East
Valley Water Forum (EVWF) with the goal of using both
ASU's Decision Theater visualizations and the LTRR-SRP-I
tree-ring results to aid in the generation of drought
scenarios for the EVWF Management Plan. Originally, a
standard set of guidelines for determining drought
scenarios based on tree-ring records was planned.
However, as the project developed it became apparent
that a single set of guidelines would be too
constraining. The project was re-focused on
developing a framework that could display one or more
different approaches and tools to use in scenario
development, based on varying managerial needs. The
resulting website titled "A
Framework for Generating Exploratory Scenarios of
Drought Conditions Using Tree-Ring Information"
is meant to be viewed as an evolving resource
that will eventually combine with similar efforts in
other regions (e.g., under NOAA "Coping with Drought"
To begin envisioning how tree ring information can be
used as tools to generate drought scenarios, some
scenario background is necessary.
π See the links:
About Scenario Development
What Are Scenarios?
for background information on types of scenarios and how
they are constructed.
Tree-ring reconstructions are
most useful for generating Exploratory
describe the future according to known processes of
change and extrapolations from the past by
incrementally progressing through time. They rely on
logical induction, by using clues from the past and
present and working out the pathways that the future
may take.
SAHRA Scenario Development
Group |
A schematic diagram of the Exploratory
Scenario process is shown below. While comprehensive
drought scenario development must also include a much wider
range of scenario inputs (i.e. Anticipatory and Strategic
Scenarios, Management Scenarios, Policy Scenarios, etc.), the
diagram illustrates two ways in which tree rings can be used
in exploratory scenario development: (1) by providing
information on the full range of past patterns of climate
and streamflow behavior (projective
scenarios), and (2) by using past climate
and streamflow behavior as a baseline from which to
construct alternative processes or patterns that
significantly vary from the past, e.g., under future climate
change (prospective
scenarios). The framework presented
here addresses possible ways in which tree-ring
reconstructions of streamflow might be used in both
projective and prospective scenario approaches.
Projective Scenarios
are based on extrapolating trends, cycles, and other
patterns that have been experienced over some past
Prospective Scenarios
incorporate changes in processes or patterns
significantly vary from the past
The framework for using tree-ring information in
generating exploratory scenarios of drought conditions
in Arizona is based on the following assumptions:
Tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow are reliable
indicators of past streamflow, and they can
adequately capture the range of natural streamflow variability.
π See the
Tree Ring Data and
Reconstruction Methods links
for background and discussion of this basic
The principle of uniformitarianism holds, such that
reconstructed streamflow patterns and behaviors of
the past can be interpreted in the same way as
present streamflow behavior.
Find a link to other principles related to tree-ring
analysis on the Tree Ring
Data webpage
The magnitude and variability of surface water
supplies are key inputs needed in developing drought
management scenarios and groundwater management
plans, such as the EVWF's.
Multi-year sequences of flow
extracted from
longterm tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow can
be useful inputs into surface/groundwater models to
illustrate different modes or patterns of streamflow
that have been experienced in the past (projected
scenarios), or may be experienced in the future
(prospective scenarios, via altered
magnitudes, frequency, persistence, or amplitude).
Here is a brief overview of the components of the
background information
with links
is provided |
Streamflow Sequence
spreadsheet is provided so users can
select, plot, and/or analyze additional
sequences as needed |
Streamflow reconstruction
data sets are available from the website |
Statistics are
provided for the streamflow reconstructions
Visualizations are provided to aid
interpretation and analysis |
are extracted and
plotted to
illustrate different modes or patterns of past streamflow
Suggestions are provided for
use of the sequences in projective and
prospective scenarios |
This website presents a
for using tree-ring information in generating
exploratory scenarios of drought conditions. In
addition to links and relevant background material on
tree rings and reconstruction methods, the website
provides access to data spreadsheets, descriptive
statistics and visualizations for streamflow
reconstructions of the Upper Colorado and
Salt-Verde-Tonto River Basins.
Seventeen multiyear sequences of past streamflow
covering different time frames
(30-year, 20-year, 11-year, and 7-year) were selected
from the reconstructions for possible use by water
mangers in exploratory scenario development and planning
for future drought conditions. An effort was made
to select sequences that represent a wide range of
past (and possible future) streamflow behaviors,
including severe and sustained low flow sequences, high
flow episodes, and periods with high amplitude
Suggestions are provided for use of the 17 sequences in
projective and prospective exploratory scenarios. The
Streamflow Sequence Data Spreadsheet is available
for downloading and contains the
reconstructed flow data, quantile visualizations, and
graphs for each sequence. Users can use the spreadsheet
to select, plot, and/or analyze additional sequences if
Ongoing and future collaborations with water managers
will provide the opportunity to evaluate the usability
and applicability of this framework for drought scenario
This webpage can be expanded to meet the needs of the
EVWF in their examination of various management
scenarios under drought conditions. Toward this
end, Katie Hirschboeck will continue to collaborate with
the EVWF as needed as a principle investigator with the
Climate Assessment of the Southwest (CLIMAS)
Designed as a platform which can be augmented and
expanded, this webpage is also intended to serve as a
regional resource for the Southwest and eventually
become one of several components of a proposed TreeFlow
webpage and paleo toolkit project that will cover the
entire Western United States (in collaboration with
Connie Woodhouse, Univ. of Arizona, WWA and CLIMAS).
About Scenario Development
Streamflow Reconstructions
Statistics & Visualizations
Streamflow Sequences