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Streamflow Sequences

Sequences of years were extracted from the reconstructed time series of Salt+Verde+Tonto (S+V+T) annual water year discharge and plotted to illustrate different modes or patterns of streamflow that have been experienced in the past. 

  • To capture the range of variability over planning horizons of different length, sequences of 30-, 20- 11-, and 7-years were selected.
  • A data spreadsheet which included the quantile visualization of both the Upper Colorado River and S+V+T was used since future water availability depends on both basins and the synchrony of their high and low extremes.
  • Plots of the reconstructed time series of both UCRB & SVT using 30-year, 20-year, and 7-year filters were examined to identify extreme and unique periods of streamflow behavior that emerged at each of these time scales. 
  • A different approach was taken for identifying unique 11-year sequences in the SVT, to take advantage of its longer reconstructed record.  Using the 1950's drought as a an "11-year drought benchmark" in the gaged record, earlier periods in the filtered reconstructed SVT flow were identified that were equal or lower in flow than the 20th century benchmark. 
  • While low flow/drought episodes were the focus, an effort was made to compile a set of sequences representing a wide range of past (and possible) streamflow behaviors, including high flow sequences and periods with high amplitude variability.
  • An emphasis was placed on defining 30-year sequences in order to support long-term planning horizons.  The shorter sequences, some of which are embedded in the 30-year sequences, can be used to inject one or more combinations of unique, extreme, shorter-term patterns in exploratory drought scenarios.
  • The Streamflow Sequence Data Spreadsheet (xls file) contains reconstructed flow data for UCRB and SVT, quantile visualizations, and graphs for each sequence.  Tree-ring based maps of reconstructed PDSI in western North America (from the the North American Drought Atlas are included with the 7-year sequences. Users can use the spreadsheet to select, plot, and/or analyze additional sequences if desired.
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Filtered Time Series Plots Showing Selected Sequences
30-Year Sequences   
Selection of 30-yr sequences
20-Year Sequences Selection of 20-yr sequences
11-Year Sequences Selection of 11-yr sequences
7-Year Sequences Selection of 7-yr sequences

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 Streamflow Reconstructions •   Statistics & Visualizations  •
Streamflow Sequences