Survey of Student Opinions about Using the IF-AT form

 Survey taken by students in Dr. Katie Hirschboeck's   NATS 101, Introduction to Global Change course in Fall 2000 at the University of Arizona after their first use of the IF-AT form on a midterm exam.

QUESTION #1: I liked using the IF-AT form during the Midterm Exam.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

#1 Response Summary

Answer Value Frequency Distribution
1 0% 74  Frequency 74  
2 0% 20  Frequency 20  
3 0% 1  Frequency 1  
4 0% 3  Frequency 3  
5 0% 1  Frequency 1  

QUESTION #2:  The IF-AT Form helped me on the test because knowing the right answer to some questions helped to guide me to the right answer in other questions.

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

#2 Response Summary

Answer Value Frequency Distribution
1 0% 48  Frequency 48  
2 0% 30  Frequency 30  
3 0% 17  Frequency 17  
4 0% 4  Frequency 4  
5 0% 0     

Question #3:  The IF-AT form had the following effect on my morale during the Midterm Exam:
    [NOTE: select the ONE response that best describes how you feel.]
It had a positive effect on my morale because I gained confidence with each correct answer I scratched off.
It had a positive effect on my morale because I knew I could get partial credit even if I didn't get it right the first time.
It didn't affect my morale one way or the other.
It had a negative effect on my morale because I lost confidence when I discovered I was wrong. I would rather not have known.
It had a negative effect on my morale because I got more and more anxious with each question, knowing I'd already gotten some wrong.

#3 Response Summary

Answer Value Frequency Distribution
1 0% 46  Frequency 46  
2 0% 45  Frequency 45  
3 0% 4  Frequency 4  
4 0% 2  Frequency 2  
5 0% 2  Frequency 2  

QUESTION #4:  The IF-AT form should be used again on the Final Exam in this course.
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

#4 Response Summary

Answer Value Frequency Distribution
1 0% 78  Frequency 78  
2 0% 15  Frequency 15  
3 0% 4  Frequency 4  
4 0% 2  Frequency 2  
5 0% 0     


Question #5 : Please type out your thoughts on the use of the IF-AT form in this class.

User ID Response
1 As I stated on my exam, I was slightly frustrated because I did not know some of the rules about the if at form.
2 I personally liked the IF-AT form. It is a little slow but I fell that I did better because of it and I knew I did good or bad.
3 I thought the IF-AT form was helpful because even thought I would get a couple answers wrong the first time I knew that I could still get partial credit for it. I alslo like it because it is kind of fun and different from ordinary tests. I just wish that the questions were a bit easier, thats all.
4 I really liked having a general idea of how I did on the test with the IF-AT form. That way I left class knowing I got at least a B, which I did. The partial credit I'm sure helped my grade too.
5 The If-At for helps me understand just why I got an answer wrong, versus other classes where you lose a point or two with out any explination. The best way to learn is from one's mistakes.
6 It not only helped me gain confidence but also helped me figure out the right answer
7 I found the forms to be usefull during the exam. It did not affect my thinking on the test becuase of the way i choose to take the test. I answered all the questions first on the exam itself and then did the essays. After that I went to the if-at form. So by that point in the exam, I was ready to find out how i did. It was a good experience.
8 The IF AT form is a fun way to take tests. It is nice to know how you did on 75% of the test when you walk out of the classroom. I also like that you get the chance to answer the question again for partial credit. Then you actually know the answers to the questions on the exam day.
9 I really like the idea of the IF-AT forms. I especially like it because it gives us a chance to get at least some credit on the multiple choices that we might miss.
10 I didn't really like it, it made me very nervous.
11 I think the IF-AT forms helped me a lot on the test because some of the questions were difficult and after seeing I got a question wrong the first time, I usually got it correct the next scratch!
12 I think the forms were a great help, because even if you don't get it on your first attempt you still are able to get some points.
13 I think the IF-AT is a good thing!
14 I really liked. I like knowing some of my grade before I left. I would recommend using it again.
15 I got a lot better grade on the test because of the if-at form. Sometimes I read questions wrong when I really understand the material. Because we use these forms I was able to correct my mistakes within the next try. I got an A but would have certainly had a B if not for the form. Thanks
16 I really liked them but sometimes it sucks because if you scracth the wrong one it hurts your grade. But thats just a liitle problem that can't be helped.
17 I liked using it. I liked using them because I knew right away when I got the right answer.
19 i thought it was a good way to take the midterm. i liked knowing when i got the right answer and when i missed a answer, it made me want to concentrate harder and get the next one right.
20 If you accidently mark the right answer in the wrong column, you get penalized for making a mistake, but then again how will you know who is telling the truth.
21 I feel that the IF-AT forms are a very useful learning tool because if a liable to learn from a mistake. Even if you get the wrong answer the first time, at least you don't have the anxious anticipation. It is a great way of taking any test. It would be great for in-class test also, if that is at all possible
22 It was good
23 i liked the form because if i was not positive about an answer, or could not choose between two, i still got at least partial credit for the knowledge i did have. i only got three wrong and then got it right on the second try so it was well worth it.
24 I liked using the IF-AT forms, they were helpful and they guide you through the rest of the test. I think you should use them for future tests and on the final.
25 its the greatest part i've never seen in all of my test i've taken! and its a great idea also! i like this kind of format. it makes the test fun ^-^
26 I liked having the immediate results in knowing how I was doing on the exam. It boosted my self efficacy in knowing that my studying had paid off. The only problem with the form in my opinion was that it was easy to accidentally scratch the form and I felt tense about making an accidental-stray scratch! Overall I really like the form because of the immediate feedback!
27 I like that we have a chance to get parial credit. I think that it takes pressure off of us but at the same time also allows you to determine if we have studied. Sometimes there are two answers that you feel are a toss up so it gives us the chance to pick and not worry about losing all 3 points but possibly just one point if any. I think we should keep the forms!!!
28 The if-at form made the test more interesting by having to scratch off the answers. It helps me to keep from zoning out too much during the test.
29 I liked it a lot, I knew what I needed to get on the essay part to get the grade I wanted to on the test.
30 The IF-AT form really hepled my grade because If I wasn't sure between two questions I knew if I didn't get it right the fist time I still had another chance to get the answer right.
31 I did not scratch off any answers until I finished choosing all my answers on the hard copy of the test (by circling answers). So I can't truly say that I gained confidence during taking the test or that I gained information with previous correct answers. I waited until I was sure of what answers I wanted to submit, before I began to scratch off on the if-at form. However, I did feel more confident with each scratched off answer because I got most of them right and felt pretty good at the end of the test.
32 I beleive that the IF-AT form was beneficial to the test taking experience and I would like to see it used on future tests.
33 if-at forms are the greatest invention since sliced bread! dont take them away.
34 I liked it very much. When I was wrong on an answer, I was almost always correct on my second guess. This was helpful because I could get partial credit on things I understood, but wasn't sure about on the test.
35 it offers immiditae gratification for those right on the first try, and lets you know yor currnet status/grade. It also is good for partial credit. A star on te first try is a real treat/reward. Use again.
36 I liked the IF-AT forms but they did tend to make me really anxious about my answers. I got really nervious that I would accidentally mark the wrong one but really know the answer. I thought that is was a positive addition to the class and I enjoy knowing how I did on the tests when I left the classroom.
37 i think the if-at forms are useful, yet i felt myself so nervous to scratch the wrong one and i was worried i would not be neat enough. but i do like the option for partial credit as well and knowing during the test about how i am doing.
38 I think it is great because they actually allow partial credit on MCQ, while usually that does not happen. They give a person that can eliminate most of the answers and is left between two to be able to do well on that exam!
39 i think that it can only help you, you get at least one point if you get the answer right on your third try, and it is comforting to know your grade before you leave the class.
40 I think the usage of IF-AT form is very helpful and important in the test. It gives me hope and chance to earn partial credit. It also helps me to answer some of the remainder questions correctly. Personaly, I never had any professor who used this form but I am very happy that you have introduced this form. Thank you very much for that.
41 They are great because you know what our score was right away instead of waiting to get the test back from the teacher. Also, it gives you an opportunity to receive partial credit on a multiple choice test
42 I like them a lot, we are able to score higher on the tests then if we wouldn't have them. They are a very creative idea!
43 It is the best idea that a teacher has ever had to do tests this way. I wish all my classes had this. I hope you use this on the final!!! Thanks Dr. H
44 I felt that the IF-AT form is an excellent way to do testing. It was nice to be able to see your answers right then and there. Also, it is nice knowing that you can at least partial credit if you don't for sure know the answer. I would definitley love to see the IF-AT form used on the Final exam as well!
45 They make me a little apprehensive when I scratch off the wrong answer, but I usually have another choice in my head, and it is normally the next one that I scratch off is right if the first one is wrong. It is nice to know how you are doing during the test.
46 I really like the use of the IF-AT forms in this class. They allow you to get partial credit and they help you to learn from your mistakes immediatly.
47 I thought that the use of the IF-AT form on the midterm helped me out greatly. I like that I can walk out of class having a general idea of how I did on a test. Plus, I could get partial credit if I did not get the answer correct the first time. Discovering the answer for every question helped me pinpoint the answer in each of the questions that followed. I would definitely be greatful if the IF-AT forms were used on the final examination.
48 I really liked using the IF-AT form on the mid-term. The main benefit for me was that i didn't have to leave wondering if some of the questions that I was unsure about were right or wrong. It helped me to get an idea of my overall grade for the test.
49 They are very nice
50 I really liked knowing what questions I got right or wrong and then using those questions to help answer later questions. It also helped my confidnece in the test because I knew right away that I did really well, and I believe that that also helped me in the second section of the test.
51 I love it. it makes me feel more confident in my choices and decisions and allows me to get my desired grade, it puts off alot of pressure.
52 The If-At form helps me because it gives me confidence when i get one right and it allows me to get points even if i miss the question the first time. I really like these IF-AT form and I think we should use them on the final exam.
53 I think that the IF-AT forms are very useful. You know if you got the right answer or not. It made me more confident during the test.
54 I think the IF AT form worked well, because no matter how you answered you could find the correct answer before going onto another problem which related to the question. On some exams, you think you know the right answer and you base all other answers on that answer, and if you were wrong you get not only marked off for the first answer, but for each of the following questions. With the IF AT form, that problem is solved.
55 It was good because i could clearly see where i didnt spend enought time studing so i know now where to go back to review for the final
56 It was a bit tourmenting when i thought i knew the answer to a question and it turned out that I had no idea what the answer was. However, I felt good knowing how well i did on the multiple choice section. Knowing how i did on the multiple choice, i did not have to worry about knowing if i did well or not on the test, and that is why i feel that the if-at forms should be used on the test.
57 I love it, I lets you know how you are doing while actually taking the class. A lot of the time with other types of tests, I confuse questions, or think if the answer to 1 is b than the answer to 2 has to be either a c or d. I love the if at form and want to see it as much as possible in the future.
58 These forms make the test much more exciting, because you are always nervous to see if you get the right answer. I think that they help a lot. You know that you can get partial credit even if you get it wrong. Helps your confidence while taking the test.
59 This format is very useful, in that if you are stuck on two answers, you do not lose all credit. It is also nice to know your grade when you leave the class.
60 I really enjoyed using the IF-AT form in class. It is rewarding to see when you scratch off the correct answer and it makes me be completely certain of an answer before scratching it off.
61 I thought the if at forms were very effective! i like them much more than the answering each question 3X method like we do on chapter tests. I like the idea of being able to get partial credit it's a big change from most classes; i like them very much i think they should definatly be used on the final
62 it was good until the last couple questions, when I missed some of the questions, i became discouraged
63 I think the IF-AT forms is a great idea. I strongly believe that the IF-AT form should be used in the final.
64 I liked the if - at form and made it easier and made me more confident about the test.
65 I think These forms a creative idea! I have never experienced them before and I thought they were innovative. However, I did clumsily screw up 2 of my answers by scratching off the wrong ones! Losing out on 4 points or so, which was extreamly frustrating. But,I know that if I am to use these forms again I will be much more careful. Reguardless of these forms, I am learning an incredible amount in this class and that is what is important! (: (: (:
66 i liked using them because i really liked seeing how i was doing on the test as i took it.
67 I like the if-at forms. I wish there was a way to do it so that if we accidently scratch off the wrong box, we could prove we really know the answer, because that happened to me. It's not too hard to scratch off the right box, though. I think that they are a good idea.
68 I like that the form allowed us to see the right answers and have more than one attempt to find the right answers. However, I know of many people, myself included, who scratched off the wrong box on accident. I was trying to be very careful with mine and I still did it wrong. Its just very easy to do, especially if were're tired or anxious. I think a scantron would be better for us and then maybe we could be given the correct answers on a sheet of paper as we leave the room (this would help with moral).
69 the if-at form helped me so much. evertime I stressed out about a question i didn't know, it would boost up my spirits when i saw the little star. I would really like to continue to use the If-at form. thanks
70 i thought it was very helpful for the resons listed in question #3. If i didnt get the right answer the first time, then i had 2 more chanced to get it righ
71 I really liked using the IF-AT form because it helped me with answers to other questions and it gave me confidence knowing how many I got right. I think it is a good idea to use these on an exam because it does allow us to receive partial credit instead of getting the entire question wrong.
72 While childish-seeming at first, I think the IF-AT form is an excellent addition to the course.
73 I feel it is a very fair way to do a test because we are really learning and it forces you to learn what the correct answer is instesd of just getting one try and not knowing if you are right or wrong.
74 I really liked the form. However it was really hard to scratch the answers off. Maybe to increase the space between the questions would improve it. Thank you
76 The form was a good tool beause it allowed me to have partial credit for answers if I wasn't sure between two answers. This also helped because if I got the answer right the second time it allowed me to straighten out the two concepts in my head. It allowed for interactive learning with the test.
77 I liked it because in either situation of knowing the answer is between two of the answers or by getting it down to two answers by process of elimination, you still got partial credit for the question if you picked the wrong one of the two. Also, I don't think it's fair if someone who studied hard for the test gets an answer wrong and they get no credit for the question even though they know the basic concept. Because in those situations the people who studied hard would get the same amount of credit ( which would be nothing for that question) as someone who didn't even study for the study for the test ( if they also got the question wrong).
78 I like the If-At forms because they let you know what your score is right away. Immediately you know what your grade is, and how well you did. That is the best part of those type of tests.
79 The IF-AT form really helps during the test because it does help your self confidence and it gives you insights intot he other questions when you know you have one similar to it right. I really really like the IF-AT forms.
80 I liked them because I always new how I was doing on the test, and if I got the right answer it helped my confidence.
81 personally, i believe that the if-at form should be used on all tests because that way if you commit to an answer you automatically know if you are correct or not. i do notlike the current way because i could commit three times to an answer and lose it all because of the fear that if i chose the wrong answer out of the two that i had narrowed it down to that i could still only get 1/3 of the points and the if at form illiminates that as well, greated it illiminates the group test too, unless there was a different group test but that is excess work for you and justin and kelley so i don't know i like them and think that they are helpful learning tools in this class,hows that?
82 On this test I truely believes that for me it wasn't a positive thing. I didn't do very well so when I knoew that, I felt horrible elaving the test. It didn't ahve a very strong effect on me.
83 I really liked using the If- At forms because it gives you an idea of how well you are doing through the exam. If you start getting some wrong you know that maybe you aren't reading the questions carefully. It really makes you try harder and be less careless.
84 I liked it very much.
85 I loved it
87 The IF-AT form is a great way to take tests. When you know you marked an answer correct it gives you confidence for the rest of the test. I think it is great way to take tests.
88 I really agreed with using the IF-AT forms on the test. I would perfer more professors to use that method. Some tests you have the answer narrowed down to two, but you choose the wrong one and you lose full credit. This at least gives you a chance to get partial credit.
89 Even though I was a little leary to use the IF-AT forms at first, they are a unique form of assessment. I think it would be a good idea to use them on the final as well.
90 At first I was a little bit skeptical about it, but I found that it did help me out because I could receive partial credit. The IF-AT form is a very new method of test taking for me; however, I would definitely not mind using it again.
91 I definately liked using the if-at forms on the mid-term. I think it's a good idea that we can get partial credit for a question and automatically know what an answer is at the time of the test. it helps for future questions and gives the student a good idea of where he or she stands with their grade.
92 i really liked knowing what my grade would be like before i left class
93 It was ok
94 I really like the form for a couple of reasons. One is that I like being able to get partial credit for answeres I'm not sure about. Secondly I like to see if I got the answer correct right away and also I think it helps you're confidence and it gives you a sense of how you did on the test.
95 Helps confidence and partial credit helps on the final points
96 I really like the ability to know how i am doing throughtout the course of the test
97 I like the if at form alot. It is a good way to learn the right answer rather than something that is just going to count the answer wrong and leavi it at that. It also helps us to try to find the correct answer more efficiently. I also like that we will still be able to recieve partial credit for the answer even if we do not get it right on the first try.
102 The IF-AT form was a little bit stressful, because I was afraid I would scratch off the circle for the wrong number. However, I do like the IF-AT forms overall, becuase you can get partial credit if you don't get the answer right the first time.
103 I think it is the best test taking format I have yet to experience, please continue. . .
104 The if at form is a good way to help out students. I like the idea of being able to receive partial credit if i do not get an answer correct or do not know an answer. I like using the form and hope to keep seeing it in the future on exams.