MEMORANDUM Date: February 6, 2007 To: Deans, Directors and Department Heads From: Beth Acree, Sr. Associate Registrar Re: Introducing Webroster The UA Registrar's Office is pleased to announce the unveiling of Webroster, a new web-based system that will allow instructors to log in and view their class rosters, administratively drop students and submit their final grades at the end of the semester. Webroster was created specifically for The University of Arizona to work with our current Student Information System (SIS). Webroster was piloted over Winter Session with great success. There were 104 classes and 1,581 students in Winter Session this year, and all instructors were successful in submitting their grades via the new system. Because of the success of Winter Session, we are ready to convert our tedious pencil and bubble sheet system to a more efficient electronic system. Why the change? 1. Webroster allows instructors immediate access to all the class rosters to which they have been assigned as soon as registration begins. They no longer need to know the actual course number and they don't need to type information exactly as it appears in SIS to obtain a class roster. Just point and click. 2. During the opening weeks of the semester, instructors can electronically drop students who have stopped attending or never attended, freeing up seats immediately. 3. When grades are due at the end of the semester, an instructor won't need to find their bubble sheets or a no. 2 pencil; just log in to Webroster from on-campus or off-campus any time of day. Grades are posted overnight into SIS and available for student viewing the next day. Many departments are already using Webroster in Spring '07. In fact, over 250 administrative drops have been submitted using Webroster. In the coming weeks the Registration Office will offer demonstrations and training sessions to introduce this program to the rest of campus. By the end of Spring '07 all academic departmental staff and instructors will have the tools and the knowledge to submit their grades using Webroster. By Summer '07 Webroster will be the exclusive tool for obtaining class rosters and submitting final grades. For more information on demonstration dates and a list of current Webroster department contacts, visit http://webroster.arizona.edu .