August 26, 2010
Click here to go directly to: Announcements & "If you missed class today"
In class today we did the following:
1. Dr H gave a presentation on Topic #2: "On Science & Being a Scientist" .
You can review the presentation here:
Topic #2 On Science and Being a Scientist [color pdf]
[grayscale pdf
Here are direct links to the videos we watched in class:
The Secret Life of Scientists: with Gavin Schmidt, the Climate Scientist who is also a Juggler!
The "Poetry of Reality" video on the SYMPHONY OF SCIENCE website: (it's the 2nd video listed)
2. Students selected their (a) favorite and (b) most surprising quotes from the quotes listed on this handout: SCIENCE QUOTES ).
3. Students worked on an In-Class (non-graded) activity on CARTOONS & QUOTES ABOUT & BY SCIENTISTS (the Answers are in the presentation posted above.)
You are also invited to post your thoughts on the D2L DISCUSSION BOARD -- on the QUOTES by SCIENTISTS discussed in class today, and the "Poetry of Reality" video on science.
NOTE: normally reading assignments, self tests, and RQ's will NOT be spelled out here in the CLASS FOLLOW UP page. You should follow along on your own using the CHECKLIST and TEXTBOOK READING & RQ SCHEDULE.
Go to the In-Class Activity on CARTOONS & QUOTES ABOUT & BY SCIENTISTS and work through the activity on your own. The answers are in Dr H's presentation for Topic #2 (above) which you should review to get caught up on the lecture that you missed.