September 14, 2015
In class today we did the following:
1. Then Dr H gave a presentation on Topic #5 Part II - The Radiation Laws (cont.) which covered Laws #4and #5 and introduced Law #6
Topic #5 Part II - The Radiation Laws
2. Students then worked on Assignment G-1, the first graded GROUP ACTIVITY in their groups
Group Assignment G-1 Understanding Radiation, Absorption & Wavelengths of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum (worth 10
(To review it, see pages 26 & 28 Class Notes which contains the same
questions as G-1)
The groups didn't quite finish G-1 so there will be more time
to finish it after Test #1 on Wednesday.
Carefully review the presentation for Topic #5 - Radiation Laws Part 2 that you missed at the link above.
You can make-up the 10-point group activity you missed by printing out this G-1 Make-Up Assignment, and working on the assignment on your own. Please indicate which GROUP you are in, then sign the document when you are done.
Submit your completed G-1 Make-Up Assignment to Dr H in class no
later than Friday Sept 18th and it will be
graded to give you credit for the activity you missed.