October 12, 2010
In class today we did the following:
1. The class played a round of "Pseudo Jeopardy" The Quiz Game contained review questions for the midterm exam.
("The Answer Is") Quiz Game Midterm Exam Review [color pdf ]
2. The class then completed the I-3 Bristlecone Pine Tree-Ring Research Project
The MIDTERM EXAM is THIS Thursday OCT 14th
The MIDTERM STUDY GUIDE IS POSTED in D2L with Practice Questions & an Answer Key
Following are study session opportunities for the Midterm:
The I-3 Assignment has been posted and is DUE TUESDAY OCT 26th.
- Review the Quiz Game Questions above for an additional review for the MIDTERM EXAM on Thursday. (Of course you should also carefully review the Midterm Study Guide in D2L and work your way through the Practice Questions that are posted there!)
- The I-3 Assignment is now posted and is DUE TUESDAY OCT 26th. If you missed class today you will need to attend an office hour with one of the TA's so that you can complete the of the class activity,
In class today we did the following:
1. At the beginning of class some time was given for the groups to work on finishing G-3 for awhile.
2. Then Dr H finished up the presentation on Topic #10 The Earth's Energy Balance:
Topic #10 The Earth's Energy Balance (cont.) -- explanation of the RIGHT side of the Energy Balance equation
3. Students got back into Groups to finish up Assignment G-3 Applying the Energy Balance Terms on page 75 in the Class Notes Packet.
4. Dr. H then gave a very brief introduction to Topic #11 Introduction to Tree Rings and the class watched a 20-minute video/dvd:
The Ancient Bristlecone Pine(produced by the USDA
Forest Service)5. Dr H then assigned ASSIGNMENT I-3, Tree-Ring Crossdating and told the class to start working on it this weekend by reading the assignment and going through the accompanying web-based tutorial. In Class On Tuesday, a demonstration will be given of how to make a skeleton plot and crossdate, plus there will be some extra help sessions set up next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for students who would like additional guidance on this assignment.
1. Reminder that TEST #2 is postponed one week. It will be given on Thursday Oct 6th. A revised "Top Ten Things to Study" has been posted with instructions on what QUESTION #10 will be about (you'll need to know how to make a skeleton plot to complete it!)
2. Topic #11 (on Tree Rings) will continue on Tuesday Oct 4.