October 24, 2013
In class today we did the following:
1. Dr H explained the directions for the Assignment I-1 Re-Write Opportunity. Details will be posted in D2L on Friday.
2. Dr. H gave a presentation on Topic #10 -- PART II of The Earth's Energy Balance and we started Topic #11 on Understanding Systems & Feedbacks - Part I
Topic #10 -The Earth's Energy Balance Part II and Topic #11 Systems & Feedbacks -Part I
Here is the
link to the Global Energy Balance Animation shown in class:
3. For a break between the two topics, we watched the first 10 minutes of our new "sustainability segment" film: "Too Hot Not to Handle"
Here is what Dr H said in class about the I-1 Re-Write Opportunity:
To find the directions . . . .
Go to D2L > ASSIGNMENTS > I-1 Climate Science Basics> I-1 RE-WRITE OPPORTUNITY