October 30,  2014



In class today we did the following:


1.  Dr H gave a lecture presentation to wrap up some of the key things to remember about climate in Topic #10 How Climate Works
and then started Topic #11 Natural Climate Forcing

  Topic #10 Wrap Up and #11 Natural Climate Forcing 
There were a few clicker questions throughout the 3 presentations. 

2. As part of the lecture posted above, Dr H gave a short introduction to Tree Rings & Dendrochronology along with a 5-minute film segment about tree rings.

3.  Dr H also announced the next assignment, G-4 (see below). 
                Time slots for doing the assignment are listed below.  More details will also soon be posted in D2L under Assignments



Midterm Exam Points Recovery Opportunity Directions
Here’s how you may recover up to HALF of the points you lost on your Midterm Exam in up to THREE (3) questions:

1. Select up to 3 questions (multiple choice or write-in) that you got wrong and that you still don’t understand very well.

2. For each question explain:

  a) Why you answered as you did
  b) Why your answer(s) were wrong
  c) What the correct answer is, and
  d) Why it is correct (explain in your own words)

3. For Write-in Questions # 26 -32, do (a) through (d) described above. Note, however, that the point recovery maximum for any one of the Write-In Questions will be a maximum of 3 points.

4. Your paper must be TYPED, with your NAME & GROUP # on it, and submitted in hard copy WITH YOUR MIDTERM EXAM to Dr H no later than class time on Thu Nov 6th. No late or emailed  papers accepted – must be submitted IN PERSON with a copy of your exam.

[Note that the recovery of half of the points you missed is not "automatic." The number of additional points assigned will be based on how well you demonstrate a thorough understanding of the material in your write-up.]