November 26,  2013



In class today we did the following:

1. Dr H talked a bit about the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 19 that ended last week in Warsaw, Poland.   There were a few clicker questions about it so students could learn some interesting things that went on  (see first few slide in the presentation below).    [NOTE: Today's Clicker Day point is an "extra" for those who were in attendance.  There will  be 2 more Clicker Days for  students striving to earn the 20 pts needed for a "perfect" Participation Point grade.]

Here is a video of the eloquent and moving speech from the COP 19 conference that Dr H mentioned in class.
It's given by Naderev Saño, the delegate from the typhoon-ravaged Phillippines.
(17 minutes long, but worth listening to!)


2. Dr H then continued by going over where we've been with Topic #15 in  Parts A, B, and C of this topic.  Then a review of the Indicators of a Warming World was given (see  pp 93-94 in Class Notes)  and Part D on Evidence from Modeling was presented.:

  Topic #15 - Global Warming & Anthropogenic Forcing - Parts  D Evidence from Modeling 


3. Lastly we watched about 30 minutes of "The Next Frontier  Engineering the Golden Age of Green"  (from Solar Energy through the sections on Carbon Capture and Efficiency of the Grid)

 "The Next Frontier: Engineering the Golden Age of Green"     (a 2010 film sponsored by Professional Engineers in California Government)
Learn more (and watch extra extended scenes) at the film's website: 

The video is posted in D2L (under Videos >Videos & Films Shown in Class)