September 12, 2006
In class today we did the following:
1. A QUICK REVIEW and re-cap of the Radiation Laws was given to help the class get ready for Test #1 on Thursday. An overview of the I-2 Assignment was also presented
Review of Radiation Laws and overview of Assignment I-2. [pdf]
2. Dr H then went on to give a presentation on Topic # 7 Laws of Motion & Momentum
Topic # 7
Laws of Motion & Momentum [pdf]
3. We watched a video on "Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics" which included the answers to the questions on pp. 47- 48 of CLASS NOTES. Did the Understanding Car Crashes video go too fast for you to get down all the answers?? Probably did! So CLICK HERE to get any answers for the blanks on pp 47-48 that you may have missed.
Here's a link to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) featured in the video. -- Includes "crashworthiness" crash test ratings for vehicles and lots of other useful information about car safety. See also: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
4. We attempted to watch another video clip of the McLaughlin Group (which aired on Mar 5, 2006) discussing "Issue 2" on the trade-off between environment and safety in cars. This clip "sets up " the discussion for the G-2 Group activity on "Your Car and Global change. Unfortunately, Dr H had technical troubles, so this group activity will take place on Thursday directly after the Group part of Test #1. You can watch the segment on your own by playing THIS FILE (RealPlayer needs to be installed on your computer & you need to be connected to the internet). The segment starts about 17 minutes into the program.