The Final Exam will be worth 205
points, with about 25-30 multiple choice questions and
the rest of the points in other question formats,
including at least one essay question
(i.e. a format similar to the Midterm Exam).
Like the MIDTERM, the exam will consist of questions in
a variety of forms: multiple choice, fill in the
blank, figure interpretation, make-a-sketch, short
answer / essay. It will focus PRIMARILY ON
MATERIAL SINCE THE MIDTERM, but several concepts
from earlier in the course are still very important (see
below for earlier concepts you should review).
For the multiple-choice part of the test you will answer
on the IF-AT FORM, for the other questions you
will sketch or write on the test itself. You will
probably not need a calculator.
will be one or more short answer / essay questions on
the exam, examples are listed for you in the PRACTICE
QUESTIONS -- you can "practice" these at home. One of
the essays that might be on the exam is a question about
the Greenhouse Effect
(see # 50 in the PRACTICE QUESTIONS) --
Sample answers to this question from the are provided HERE
to guide you in how to write a good
essay question.
The content and "TOP TEN
THINGS TO STUDY" are a good summary of most
of the key concepts from the course that you should know
and understand. If you haven't done so already, print
out the Top Tens (for Tests #3 and #4 especially) and go
through each one to structure your studying.)
Do a quick review of all the CLASS
FOLLOW-UP PAGES since the Midterm to be sure
you haven't missed any key topics.
& RQ's --
You should also review the content of Self Tests &
Readiness Quizzes Self Test/RQ-5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
find out.
the basics of these physical science concepts to see how
they tie into topics since the Midterm:
These are essential to understanding the energy
balance and nearly every other topic in the course –
review them, know the key wavelength ranges of UV,
visible and IR radiation, understand and be able to
apply absorption curves to global change issues such as
global warming and ozone hole depletion, etc.)
key items on heat transfer, sensible heat (H) and latent
energy (LE) and be able to tie these into the
topics of global warming, the effect of
deforestation on climate, etc.
The MOST IMPORTANT CONCEPT that ties together and
synthesizes just about everything in this class: THE
ENERGY BALANCE! (Review, study, and thoroughly
understand Topic #8 (Global Energy Balance) and
the class presentations on this topic and be ready to
tie these concepts into each of the topics we've covered
since the Midterm Exam. -- more specific details are
given below)
As with the Midterm Exam, an important part of your
studying should be to TIE TOGETHER different
topics that we’ve covered and to make connections
between topics. Several questions will be asked
that require you to link up different parts of the
The FINAL EXAM will emphasize the topics in Class Notes,
lecture presentations, & assigned reading material since the
Midterm Exam, so, as noted above, the very FIRST
thing you should do to focus your studying is to refer
to the "TOP TEN" for Tests #3 & #4 for details on
each of the topics below . (NOTE: The Top Ten's for
Test #3 & #4 list several "specific hints" which
are not going to be repeated here, so refer back to the
Top Ten's for these.)
Detailed specifics from these topics won't be asked, but
you will need to know the basics of the items mentioned
below under these topics in order to tied them in to the
topics in the second half of the semester:
TOPIC # 4 Electromagnetic
Spectrum (
know these wavelength range cutoffs: ultraviolet <
0.4, visible 0.4 - 0.7 , and infrared radiation > 0.7)
TOPIC # 5 The Radiation Laws (be
sure you understand Law 6: "Selective emission and
absorption" and how to interpret an absorption curve;
also be sure you fully understand the "Solar
vs Terrestrial Radiation Class Concepts Self Test" on
p 33 of Class Notes – It’s a good review of past
material and would help you write an essay about the
Greenhouse Effect.)
Atmospheric Structure & Chemical Composition (review p
36 in Class Notes with respect to the stratospheric
ozone layer and it's place in the structure of the
atmosphere review the "Greenhouse Gas Overview"
table (p 38) and the top of p 37 in Class
Notes, including the definition of Radiative
Forcing; fully understand the Summary of
this topic on p 39 in Class Notes.)
Specific hint:
Know what the “Greenhouse Signature” looks like with
respect to Atmospheric Structure (p 37 in Class Notes)
and how this is different from the “signature” after a
climatically effective explosive volcanic eruption (
which you learned in G-5 would lead to
cooling in
the troposphere
warming in the stratospheric -- just the
opposite of the Greenhouse signature – see
p 74 in class notes)
Be sure you know what causes the cooling
and warming in different layers during each of these
“signatures” and why it happens.
Also review the “Solar Irradiance Signature” ( p
73). Which
“signature” is the solar signature like:
The “Greenhouse Warming Signature” or the
“Volcanic Aerosol Signature”?
What different processes
are heating up the atmosphere in the
layer that is warming in each of these three
are the main topics that will be covered on the
Final Exam:
The Global Energy Balance (This
topic is the KEY to understanding nearly all of
the other topics!) Know and understand the
symbols of the Energy Balance Equation and the
difference between what the left-hand and right-had
sides of the equation represent:
Know the different processes
involved in the pathways of incoming and outgoing
energy (NOTE: you don't need to memorize how
many "units" are involved in each pathway, just get a
good sense of the relative amounts: only about half is
actually absorbed at the surface, about 30 % is
reflected back out to space, LOTS of IR (LW) energy is
radiated from the surface, absorbed by GH gases,
and then re-radiated back to the surface, etc.).
Know the link to everyday life of some of the energy
balance terms (G-3 and p 53 in Class Notes) , fully
understand what Fig 4-2 in SGC-E-Text represents and how
it might change with adjustments in incoming solar
energy and outgoing infrared energy,
SPECIFC HINT: see the 4 graphs at the end of the TOP
10 for Test #4 and think about how different
kinds of radiative forcing might affect curve A or B and
change the graph.
TOPIC # 9 Systems & Feedbacks -- Know
the difference between a coupling and a loop; be able to
recognize positive and negative couplings and loops;
understand how all the loops on p 59 of Class Notes
work; be able to do the Self Test on p 61 of Class
Notes; know how feedback loops link to equilibrium
states and what the difference between a perturbation
and a forcing is.
TOPIC # 10
How the Climate Works-- Focus
on pp 65-66 in Class Notes and the link to
the surplus & deficits in the Energy Balance; review
"Earth-Sun Relationships" (p 63-64 in Class Notes) and
"Astronomical Forcing of Climate Change" (p 71)
TOPIC # 11
Natural Climatic Forcing -- Understand
the different ways that these processes "force" climate
change: astronomical forcing/Earth-Sun orbital
relationships, solar variability, and ESPECIALLY volcanism since
we had a group activity on it: review the G-5 GROUP
ACTIVITY on Volcanism & Climate ( pp 76-77 in Class
Notes) and know how to do it on your own.
TOPIC # 12 Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere -- The
key things to know are stated for you on p 79-81 of
Class Notes -- see especially "Ozone Depletion:
What, Why & Where" on p 81 -- if you can
answer the following questions , you will have the
beginnings of a good answer to a possible essay question
on comparing and contrasting the ozone issue with the
global warming issue!
Ozone Questions to Ponder:
you understand the difference between stratospheric and
tropospheric ozone concentrations and effects?
you tie the ozone hole discussion to earlier material on
the electromagnetic spectrum, atmospheric structure and
composition, and the time-latitude curve of solar
radiation to answer: Why is the loss of ozone a concern?
and, What's so special about spring in the polar regions
that influences the onset of the chemical reactions that
destroy ozone?
Think about the connections between the ozone hole
problem and the greenhouse effect problem. Are they the
same thing? Do they occur in the same part of the
atmosphere? Do they involve radiation in the same part
of the electromagnetic spectrum? Are they related to
each other? Do media sources and the general public
sometimes err In confusing the two? Are the "solutions"
to both problems the same? Why are scientists currently
concerned that global warming will SLOW the healing of
the ozone layer?
TOPIC # 13 Global Warming &
Anthropogenic Forcing -- This
topic was addressed in several parts:
Part A emphasized Carbon Reservoirs & Fluxes, especially
the role of photosynthesis, respiration, and
Be sure you know how this links to the zig-zags
on the Keeling Curve, and what it has to do with
why DEFORESTATION is a major contributor to
increasing CO2 in the atmosphere.
Be familiar with the relative contribution
of land use change (mostly deforestation) and
combustion of fossil fuels to CO2 emissions
(graph on top of p 84 in Class Notes).
What parts of the world are currently
the most to forest carbon emissions?
( graphs in middle of p 84 in Class Notes).
Part B
emphasized the extremely important
Radiative Forcing Diagram (p 87 in Class Notes).
The exam will contain one or more questions based on
this key figure, so be
you understand it . See the slides and clicker
questions in the presentation on Topic #13 Global
Warming & Anthropogenic Forcing Part B ( Nov 20) to
sharpen your understanding and give you an idea of what
kinds of questions might be asked. (See also Self
Test 8 and Self Test 9, each has a question
on some aspect of this graph.)
The “Solar
Dimming” issue we learned about relates directly to
this Radiative Forcing diagram.
Can you figure out which part??
look for the bar for
Total Aerosol –
Direct Effect on the top Forcing Diagram on p 87 and
Aerosol-radiation interact on the bottom Forcing
Diagram on p 87.).
Does these bars on the diagram indicate
cooling or warming?
Can you explain why scientists are quite
concerned that global warming could be even stronger
than experienced to date now that the “masking” effect
of aerosols is being reduced by cleaning up
air pollution?
Part C & D were dsicussed in the same
class as"The Evidence." Part C (p 84
in Class Notes) emphasized Evidence from Natural
Archives and brought tree rings back to our
attention, along with other natural archives. This
part was tied in with the "iconic" figure of the Hockey
Stick diagram, along with the earlier
“Noodle diagram” and the newer, updated version
of the Hockey Stick graph from the 2007 IPCC - AR4
Spaghetti Plate”) which depicts results from many
different research groups, not just the Hockey Stick
scientists -- both graphs are shown on p 84 in Class
Notes – See also p 47 in Dire Predictions).
Know why these graphs constitute an important line of
evidence pointing to anthropogenic causes for
the observed late 20th century / early 21st century
global warming.
D (p 85 in Class Notes) emphasized Evidence from Natural vs.
Anthropogenic Model Comparisons. Know how to
interpret the graphs in Fig 15-5
on SGC p 302 and the similar graphs on pp 68-69
in Dire Predictions: (Do you
understand how to read Graphs #1, #3 & #4 on Dire
Predictions pp 68-69?) Also understand how to
read the Land vs Ocean and the Regional Continental
Trends graphs on p 85 in Class Notes (similar graphs
are on p 71 in Dire Predictions.
Can you explain why ALL of these graphs which
show different MODEL RUN results are compelling lines of
evidence pointing to anthropogenic causes for the
observed recent warming – but in a different way than
in the Hockey Stick?
the Topic #13 presentation on Nov 30th)
Also review the
Indicators of a Warming World diagram on p 87 in
Class Notes.
The first half of the “Too Hot Not to Handle” video
we watched some time ago addressed
nearly all of the the indicators on it.
(You can re-watch that film in D2L under Videos>
Class Videos. )
Could you list and explain several of
these indicators?
If the arrows in the diagram were removed, could you
draw in"Up arrows" or "Down arrows" next to each
indicator to show whether it is increasing or
We also very
briefly looked at the
Indicators of a Human Fingerprint on Climate Change
( p 88 in Class Notes).
Don’t worry about having to explain them all –
the three we’ve addressed the most this semester are:
(a) cooling stratosphere, (b) less heat escaping
to space
and (c) all the CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere
each year – so be sure you can state these 3 as
indicators pointing to a human fingerprint on climate
change (rather than natural forcing mechanisms alone).
Specific Hint:
Here’s a sample of a question you might see on
the Final Exam
It shows 3 graphs
without labels.
Could you reason out which graph is which
if a list of possible graph titles was given to
you? This type of question tests your basic
understanding of the observed trends, how
familiar you are with the shapes of some of the
key global change graphs, and how well you
understand the nature of the processes that are
changing (i.e. if temperatures warm up,
snow cover would tend to decrease; sea
level has been rising slowly and steadily,
whereas temperature has more ups and downs
because it is forced more readily by different
mechanisms, etc)
More graphs that could be used in a question
like this are provided on p 90 in Class Notes..
TOPIC #14 Climate Change: Impacts & Issues With
respect to specific Impacts, what do you need to
know???-- Here are some guidelines. The table on
the top of p 94 in CLASS NOTES contains a succinct
summary of what impacts we can expect under different
amounts of warming (1° to 5 ° C) with respect
to: Water, Ecosystems, Food, Coasts, and Health.
Many of these things were effectively illustrated in
the Dire Predictions text and in Too Hot Not
to Handle.. Be generally familiar with the impacts
named on p 94 , but you do NOT need to memorize
them or any others from the Dire Predictions text
!! Just be able to give examples of 2-3
projected impacts if asked. You might also be
given a list of a few impacts and asked to link them to
some other aspect of the course already mentioned above
in this study guide.
Climate Change:
Adaptations & Solutions: With
respect to ADAPTATION & MITIGATION -- just be
sure you know what the terms mean and be able to give
(or recognize) an example of each. (see p 96 in Class
APPENDIX A -- Introduction
to Tree-Rings & Dendrochronology
( pp 99 –101)
Do you know what sensitive and complacent tree
rings series are and why they are important?
Could you recognize a sensitive tree-ring pattern
vs. a complacent tree-ring pattern in a figure, like
those on p 100 in Class Notes?
Do you know which type of pattern (sensitive or
is important for accurate cross-dating?
Could you decide if a wood sample was useful or
not useful for dendrochronology (see the
The G-4
Wood Kit Activity ( pp 102-103)
Reading for SELF TEST & RQ-9:
Climate Literacy: The Essential Principles of
Climate Sciences
- This is a broad-brush overview of many of our class
topics that will help you see the "big picture"
summarized as 7 key principles. Self Test and RQ-9
will steer you to the things you need to know from this
final topic.
Lastly: You
should also re-read or skim Chapter
1 in the SGC-E-Text on Global Change for
a good overview of many of our key global change
I am assigning the final letter grades for the
course and find that a student is right on the
borderline between two grades, what I always do is go
to the student's Final Exam and review the write-in part
and essay question answers. It is here that I
can get the best insight into whether or not the student
REALLY understands the material or not. If a good
understanding is demonstrated, this will help
your case for
earning the higher letter grade. So it is to
your best advantage to do as well as you can on the
write-in and essay parts of the test!
Bannister Tree-Ring Lab Room 110
Dec 15th
3:30 –5:30 pm
Dec 16th3:30 –5:30 pm
Dec 17th 1:00 –3:00 pm