ARTISTIC EXPRESSION / ADVOCACY OPTIONS If you choose this category to investigate, you could explore -- or experience -- how artists, poets, writers, performance artists, or activists have connected with the science topics of Global Change and are expressing the issues involved in meaningful ways. OR you could collect some global change information and express it yourself! SOME IDEAS: 1. Visit an "online gallery" that addresses environemntal / climate change themes and describe what you learned and how it links to our class. Note that to "do" artistic expression of science well, one needs to know the underlying science! Consider the Chris Jordan video and all the research he had to do to figure out the "sheer numbers" of things he depicts in his images, e.g. this one:
This image depicts eight million
toothpicks. According to Seattle artist Chris Jordan, As Jordan describes on his website: Running the Numbers looks at contemporary American culture through the austere lens of statistics. Each image portrays a specific quantity of something: fifteen million sheets of office paper (five minutes of paper use); 106,000 aluminum cans (thirty seconds of can consumption) and so on. My hope is that images representing these quantities might have a different effect than the raw numbers alone, such as we find daily in articles and books. Statistics can feel abstract and anesthetizing, making it difficult to connect with and make meaning of 3.6 million SUV sales in one year, for example, or 2.3 million Americans in prison, or 32,000 breast augmentation surgeries in the U.S. every month. This project visually examines these vast and bizarre measures of our society, in large intricately detailed prints assembled from thousands of smaller photographs. Employing themes such as the near versus the far, and the one versus the many, I hope to raise some questions about the roles and responsibilities we each play as individuals in a collective that is increasingly enormous, incomprehensible, and overwhelming. 2. Visit the UA Insttute of the Environment's
Environmental Portal and click on the theme of Culture & Creative
Create your own artistic piece
or performance; write a poem or essay about the cover of our
textbook . . . or design your own cover!
Document and explain what you did in a report, slide or video
ANOTHER BONUS POINT OPPORTUNITY: Create a short video that conveys global change information in a creative and informative way.
Here's one that was produced by a group of students last year on waste & landfills -- a bit rough around the edges but fun and informative !
5. Spend some time exploring one or more ADVOCACY websites -- critique the site (positives and/or negatives) or look at several sites and collect info on what themes (related to our NATS class) keep popping up again and again; speculate on why! Here are a few to get you started . . .