In class at one point, we discussed these three "cartoon" figures and selected the one that includes a slightly more accurate depiction of the greenhouse effect than the other two.

  (a)    Which figure (X, Y, or Z)  includes the
          most  accurate depiction of the natural
          greenhouse effect?     Figure ____ 

  (b)   On the figure you selected,
          CIRCLE the part of the diagram which
         represents the energy processes
         DIRECTLY involved in the
         greenhouse effect.  

    FIGURE X                FIGURE Y              FIGURE Z

(a)  For the figure arrangement shown you should have entered Figure Y  


(b)  You should have drawn a circle around the two BLUE arrows ONLY in FIGURE Y. Together they represent outgoing terrestrial longwave radiation (left blue arrow) being absorbed by greenhouse gases (space in between) and re-radiated back to the Earth's surface (right blue arrow)

SOME EXAMPLES OF GOOD ANSWERS TO (c) (from an earlier exam that contrasted only Figures Y & Z):

(c) EXPLAIN WHY FIGURE Y is a more accurate depiction of the natural Greenhouse Effect than Figure Z:

Student 1:  "I selected figure Y because the greenhouse gases absorb terrestrial longwaves, then later emit these longwaves.  Figure Y is a better depiction because it shows that greenhouse gases absorb terrestrial longwaves, greenhouse gases to not reflect these longwaves back to Earth."

Student 3: "Figure Y accurately depicts the natural greenhouse effect because it shows the terrestrial longwaves being absorbed by the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and being radiated back to Earth."

Student 4: "I selected Figure Y as it more correctly illustrates the longwave IR radiation coming from the heat source, the surface of the Earth, and being absorbed by gases in the atmosphere." 


 Some good answers telling why FIGURE Z is wrong:

 Student 1:  "Figure Z is wrong because it shows greenhouse gases reflecting the terrestrial longwaves back to Earth.  Greenhouse gases do not reflect terrestrial longwaves, they absorb them."

 Student 3:  "Figure Z is wrong because it shows the terrestrial longwaves being bounced back to the Earth by the atmospheric greenhouse gases. [This student used the B-word (bounced) -- would be more scientifically precise to say reflected, even when describing this incorrect figure.]

 Student 4:  "Figure Z is misrepresentational because it simply shows the IR bouncing off the particles, neglecting the actual absorption transpiring."  [This one could be refined somewhat. What does the student mean by "particles?"  I suspect what is meant is the dots in the figure that represent the atmospheric gases.]


 (d)    Give a scientifically accurate DEFINITION of the natural greenhouse effect in your own words:

EXAMPLES OF GOOD ANSWERS -- Note how many creative and original ways the same concept can be worded!

 Student 1:  "The greenhouse effect is the absorption of escaping infrared radiation by greenhouse gases, such as CO2 and H2O, which then emit some of  this radiation back to Earth.  This process warms the planet by preventing some infrared from escaping to space."

 Student 2: "The greenhouse effect is the absorption of terrestrial longwave radiation by greenhouse gases, which is then radiated out towards the earth."  [Note that this is not a perfect answer because it's not clear what is radiating out towards the earth.  Here's a slightly better wording: " The greenhouse effect is the absorption of terrestrial longwave (IR) radiation by greenhouse gases.  The GH gases then radiate the IR back towards the earth."]

 Student 3:  "The greenhouse effect is a natural process in which terrestrial radiation (IR-longwaves) is released from the Earth, absorbed by greenhouse gases, and radiated back to the Earth."

 Student 4:  "The natural greenhouse effect results from certain gases['] ability to absorb and emit IR (infrared radiation) at discrete frequencies.  After the Earth has radiated this IR, greenhouse gases absorb this radiation  . . . and reradiate it back to the surface."

 Student 5:  "The earth gives off terrestrial radiation (infrared) which is absorbed in the troposphere by certain gases such as H2O and CO2 which are good absorbers of infrared radiation (greenhouse gases).  These gases after absorbing the infrared radiation reradiate it back to Earth keeping the Earth's temperature at the comfortable temperature it is today.  If there was no greenhouse effect and the radiation was allowed to escape to space, then the temperature of Earth would be too cold to hold life."

 IGC Glossary ( p 409):  "The greenhouse effect is the natural mechanism by which the Earth's surface is warmed by infrared-absorbing gases in its atmosphere."   [Dr H thinks this definition is a good starting point, but it needs to be developed more.  Here's her suggested re-writing of the IGC definition: "The greenhouse effect is the natural mechanism by which the Earth's surface is warmed when greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb terrestrial infrared radiation and then emit the IR radiation back to the Earth's surface."]


 Student 6:  "The greenhouse effect is the natural mechanism in which the earth's surface is warmed by IR gases (Infrared Radiation) that are absorbed in the atmosphere then radiated IR back onto the earth.  Without the Greenhouse Effect the earth would be below freezing temp and life we know would not exist." [ This answer is pretty good and models itself after the IGC Glossary definition.  However there is a problem in how it is phrased which leads to a confusion between infrared radiation (IR) and greenhouse gases.  The answer implies that these two are the same thing, calling them. "IR gases." There is no such thing as "IR gases." Greenhouse gases are gases and they do the absorbing of IR radiation -- two separate things with different roles in the GHE.  The IGC Glossary's use of the term "infrared-absorbing gases" may have been the source of this slight confusion in how the student presented the answer.]

 Student 7:  "The Greenhouse effect happens when the earth emits Infrared Radiation upwards, then some is absorbed by the atmosphere (primarily CO2 and water vapor) and then reflected back to the earth (longwave radiation).  This is needed by the earth or else everything would be extremely cold."  [Can you identify what's wrong here?  The fatal flaw is the use of the word reflected instead of radiated.  The main IR wavelength ranges involved in the GHE are NOT reflected -- the IR is absorbed and then radiated.  There is a very small band of IR wavelengths (close to visible light) called Near-IR that can be reflected in the manner that visible light is reflected, but the IR primarily involved in the GHE is NOT reflected like visible light!  In this answer there is also a suggestion that the student may think that infrared radiation emitted upward by the Earth is something a bit different than the longwave radiation sent back to Earth.  As we use the terms in this class,  infrared and longwave radiation are the same thing -- the Earth emits IR /  longwave radiation and the GH gases absorb and emit IR /longwave radiation as well.]




Student 8:  "The natural greenhouse effect is when some of the gases that are bounced off earth does not leave the ozone and circles back to earth.  This is used with gases such as CO2 and H2O."  [This answer has at least two major problems.  First of all GASES are described as "bouncing off the earth" which is wrong -- even if the student were to use the term reflecting instead of bouncing, the process of reflection in the context of the energy balance does not apply to gases. What is reflected is some of the incoming shortwave (UV and visible) radiation, BUT the GHE does not involve shortwave radiation, only terrestrial longwave.  Second, for some reason the term ozone is introduced -- but in an odd way, almost as if ozone is being used as a synonym for the troposphere.  Overall, the answer uses terms and concepts wrong, is poorly phrased, and presents information that doesn't mean anything.]

 Student 9:  "The greenhouse effect is due to the depletion of the ozone layer due to high volumes of CFC's and carbon dioxide.  With combinations of these and water H2O and the radiation of the Sun "Heat" causes a effect on the atmosphere.  Because we talked about it in class."  [ This answer is looping all over the place.  It exhibits a bit of knowledge (link between ozone layer depletion and high volumes of CFC's) but  this is knowledge that is totally irrelevant to a question about the greenhouse effect.  The greenhouse effect takes place primarily in the troposphere, while ozone layer depletion is taking place in the stratosphere.  These two major global change issues are NOT the same thing and are not directly related ,as the student implies.   Ozone and CFC's (when they reside in the troposphere) do play a role in the greenhouse effect because they are greenhouse gases, but the chemical processes involved in the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer are totally different processes than the radiation processes involved in the troposphere's greenhouse effect