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    I-2 Mother Nature's Influence (Lesson 2)

    By the end of this lesson participants should be able to:

    • discuss the impact on the climate from changes in the earth’s orbit, volcanic eruptions and El Niño/La Niña effects
    • explain the importance of ice core samples for determining the history of climate, and
    • explain why it is not the Sun and changes in its output that are responsible for temperature trends over recent decades

    Click here    LESSON 2 to take the lesson (will takes about 32 minutes)

    1-2 ASSIGNMENT (worth 25 pts)

    For I -2  you will be typing in short answers to a series of questions about the information in Lesson 2 on the I-2 Answer Form below.

    You will also be asked to write two 75 - 100 word paragraphs about the material in the Lesson so review the I-2 ANSWER FORM first, to see what you will need to write about.



      I-2 ANSWER FORM  
    (docx format)


    Here is the same form in another format:
    I-2 Answer Form
    (rich text format)

    The Dropbox Deadline is:
     Sunday Nov 1st, anytime before midnight (11:59 pm)


     One QUESTION you should be thinking about while watching Lesson 2

    What new idea, fact or concept was covered  in  Lesson 2 that you didn’t know before,  were unclear about, or which gave you a new or deeper insight about something you already knew?   

    On the Answer Form you will be asked to:

    ·   (a) Accurately describe this new idea, fact or concept

    ·   (b)  Include a quote from the lesson that is related to your new insight

                Hint:  To transcribe a quote, click on the NOTES button to see the script for a slide:  

      In your written answers, be sure to REFERENCE any words or ideas that are not your own! 
                See FAQ #17 on What is plagiarism!  CLICK HERE  for how to reference science sources