I-2 Skeleton Plotting & Crossdating
The assignment is worth a
total of 18 pts plus the "Top Two" (2)
points (for the complacent core) = a total of
20 points
In addition to these
20 points, 2 Bonus Points
are possble for successfully crossdating a
core with Absent (Missing) and/or False Rings. (See the
Tutorial on:
Plotting Absent and False Rings to learn how to do this and
then follow the directions under BONUS POINTS below.
(Note that the bonus opportunity this year is
not the one described in
Class Notes on p 134.).
- Skeleton Plot and Cross Dating
(total of 8 pts)
( graded on the basis of
the image(s) that you pasted into you document, showing your successful
match with dates from the answer visible)
- (5 pts) Skeleton Plot: Your
copied image should show an
accurately plotted graph that lines up with the master chronology, showing a
clear match.
must follow the
step-by-step sequence of the assignment in the order given:
plot the core; second,
find the match with the master; third
assign the begining and ending dates to the core based on this match;
and last,
check the answer (and make a copy of this final image). No
shortcuts! You will be required to draw a skeleton plot by hand on
graph paper for a question on Test
#2, so the purpose of this online
assignment is to train you for doing it on your own manually.
- (3 pts) Cross Dating: The Answer
Box should be displayed in your image showing that the beginning and
ending dates match your skeleton plots. These dates may also be included in the text of your write
- Write Up (total
of 10 pts)
- (2 pt) Explanation of skeleton plotting
in your own words
- (2 pt) Explanation of
pattern matching
your own words
- (2 pt) Explanation of
cross dating
in your own words
- (2 pts) Master chronology:
Explanation of what it is and how it is
used in cross dating.
- (2 pts) Complacency and Sensitivity:
Description (in your own words) of what these two types of ring
patterns look like, followed by an explanation of which type is
better for cross dating and
- "Top Two" (total of 2 pts)
Crossdating a complacent core
Directions: Repeat the skeleton plotting exercise, but this
time with a complacent core and
write a paragrph describing how it differed from the sensitive core
exercise. Here's the step-by-step:
- After
your previous
crossdated image, change the
SENSITIVITY from 1 (very sensitive) to 5 or 6 (more complacent).
Then click
"Restart a New Core" and try to plot, match, and
crossdate the more complacent core.
If you are
successful, save the image
as above and
- Write
a "Top Two" paragraph
(200 -300 words) describing (a) the challenges of
crossdating a complacent core and (b)explaining the
specific techniques you used to meet this challenge and
successfully get your plot to match the master (e.g., paid more
attention to subtle changes in ring width, compared each ring to its
adjacent rings to decide if it was "narrower" enough to draw a line,
- Bonus Point Opportunity (up to 2
additional points) Crossdating with absent or false
Repeat the skeleton plotting exercise again, but this time
plot a core which may have absent rings
and a core which may have false rings and
write a paragrph describing your experience with this challenge compared to
the previous plotting exercises. Here's the step-by-step:
- Study the tutorial
Skeleton Plotting Absent and False Rings
- After you've saved your previous crossdated
images, select ABSENTS or FALSES to
indicate which type of rings you want embedded in the next core you'll
look at (it is suggested that you don't try to do both absent and false
rings in the same core -- do them one at a time).
Then click
"Restart a New Core" and try to plot, match, and
crossdate the core, inserting the absent ring notation(s)
or the false ring notation(s) in the proper place(s) on
the skeleton plot
- If you are successful, save the image as above and
- Write a Bonus Opportunity parapgraph (200 - 300
words) describing your experience with absent and false rings!
What did you have to do differently? What made this so difficult?,
etc. etc.