How to Register your Turning Technologies Response Card
 (“clicker” device) for use in GC-170A

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STEP #1:  

NOTE:  Our class uses CLICKER devices only -- (not ResponseWare through your phone or laptop)

To register you CLICKER device, do the following:

Go to the website  and fill out the Web Registration Utility as follows:

STEP #2:  Use Dr H’s email address (  to locate her sections so you can register your device with our GC 170A class:


 (NOTE:  If you have more than one class using Turning Tech’s response systems, you can enter another instructor's email address now or later to add additional classes to your device registration. When all the classes you are using your response device are in your list, click "Next".

STEP #3:  Verify that your registration is accurate (it should look something like this, then click "Complete Registration."


When you see the following screen, you and your device are now added to
the list of students and their Device IDs in Dr H’s GC 170A class:


If you need assistance, contact the 24/7 IT Support Center at or 626-TECH (8324).

Additional information can be found here: