Select the RQ Quiz link on our D2L Course page:

The "Quizzing Home" page opens up and a list of RQ's  that are currently available to you is displayed:

Taking a quiz

1. Click the quiz name hyperlink to begin the quiz.
2. Click the START QUIZ! button

The initial quiz window displays:

initial quiz window where you answer questions

3. Follow the instructions and complete the quiz.
4. Click save button to save each question as you complete them.
5. Click save all questions button after completing your quiz. Any unanswered questions will display with a link to the unanswered question's number.
6. Click submit quiz button when you have completed your quiz, saved all your answers and want to submit the quiz and confirm your submission. If the time limit has passed, you will be asked to submit your quiz.

Important note If the "Auto-Submit Attempt" option is still active, all the questions you save before the time limit expires will be submitted. However, any questions that you have not saved before the time limit has expired, even if they have been answered, will not be submitted. You must ensure that you are saving your answers before the time limit expires.

Going back and looking at questions you have already answered

Once you have saved a question, it is logged in the Quiz Info box as a hyperlink

.quiz info box

Select a link to go back and view the answer during the quiz process. There is also an icon below the question number link that indicates if the question has been saved.

Viewing the status of a quiz

1. Select the Reports tab.
2. Select the attempt number link.
Reports tab in quizzing home page

•You can also view your grades (when posted by the instructor) by selecting the Grades link on your Course Home navigation bar.
•Click the Statistics tab to view the class average and score distribution.

Viewing your graded RQ quizzes and assignments

To access your quizzes:

1. Click on the RQ quiz link from the GC 170A D2L Course Page:
2. Click the quiz title link.
3. Click on the little black down arrow to open up the drop down menu:

4. Click on Submissions
4. Click on each attempt to view the quizzes you completed during the RQ quiz period


Your Quiz information displays.

Quiz information that displays your score and average scores

If you missed the RQ deadline . . .

If you miss the RQ deadline or have a technical problem that prevents you from submitting your RQ prior to the cutoff day & time, you may use Dr. H's  RQ ABSOLUTION FORM to request an extension so that you can get your quiz submitted.  (Use of the form is limited to once during the semester).