lobal warming is likely to produce a significant increase in the intensity and rainfall of hurricanes in coming decades, according to the most comprehensive computer analysis done so far.
By the 2080's, seas warmed by rising atmospheric concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases could cause a typical hurricane to intensify about an extra half step on the five-step scale of destructive power, says the study, done on supercomputers at the Commerce Department's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, N.J. And rainfall up to 60 miles from the core would be nearly 20 percent more intense.
Other computer modeling efforts have also predicted that hurricanes will grow stronger and wetter as a result of global warming. But this study is particularly significant, independent experts said, because it used half a dozen computer simulations of global climate, devised by separate groups at institutions around the world. The long-term trends it identifies are independent of the normal lulls and surges in hurricane activity that have been on display in recent decades.
The study was published online on Tuesday by The Journal of Climate and can be found at www.gfdl.noaa.gov/reference/bibliography/2004/tk0401.pdf.
The new study of hurricanes and warming "is by far and away the most comprehensive effort" to assess the question using powerful computer simulations, said Dr. Kerry A. Emanuel, a hurricane expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has seen the paper but did not work on it. About the link between the warming of tropical oceans and storm intensity, he said, "This clinches the issue."
Dr. Emanuel and the study's authors cautioned that it was too soon to know whether hurricanes would form more or less frequently in a warmer world. Even as seas warm, for example, accelerating high-level winds can shred the towering cloud formations of a tropical storm.
But the authors said that even if the number of storms simply stayed the same, the increased intensity would substantially increase their potential for destruction.
Experts also said that rising sea levels caused by global warming would lead to more flooding from hurricanes - a point underlined at the United Nations this week by leaders of several small island nations, who pleaded for more attention to the potential for devastation from tidal surges.
The new study used four climate centers' mathematical approximations of the physics by which ocean heat fuels tropical storms.
With almost every combination of greenhouse-warmed oceans and atmosphere and formulas for storm dynamics, the results were the same: more powerful storms and more rainfall, said Robert Tuleya, one of the paper's two authors. He is a hurricane expert who recently retired after 31 years at the fluid dynamics laboratory and teaches at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va. The other author was Dr. Thomas R. Knutson of the Princeton laboratory.
Altogether, the researchers spawned around 1,300 virtual hurricanes using a more powerful version of the same supercomputer simulations that generates Commerce Department forecasts of the tracks and behavior of real hurricanes.
Dr. James B. Elsner, a hurricane expert at Florida State University who was among the first to predict the recent surge in Atlantic storm activity, said the new study was a significant step in examining the impacts of a warmer future.
But like Dr. Emanuel, he also emphasized that the extraordinary complexity of the oceans and atmosphere made any scientific progress "baby steps toward a final answer."
Filed at 9:51 a.m. ET
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian government approved the Kyoto Protocol Thursday, giving decisive support to the long-delayed climate change treaty that should allow it to come into force worldwide.
The controversial pact will now be passed to the Kremlin-dominated parliament for ratification.
President Vladimir Putin's government acted despite worries by many officials who say the 1997 U.N. pact, which orders cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to slow global warming, would harm the economy and not protect the environment.
The European Union hailed Moscow's decision and seized the moment to urge Washington, whose rejection of the pact in 2001 left it dependent on Russia's approval, to rethink its position.
``The fate of the Kyoto protocol depends on Russia. If we... rejected ratification, we would become the ones to blame (for its failure),'' Deputy Foreign Minister Yuri Fedotov told the cabinet meeting.
Russia, which accounts for 17 percent of world emissions, has held the key to Kyoto's success or failure since the United States pulled out.
The pact becomes binding once it has been ratified by 55 percent of the signatories which must, among them, account for 55 percent of developed countries' carbon dioxide emissions.
Kyoto has surpassed the first requirement as 122 nations have ratified it. But without Russia they account for only 44 percent of total emissions.
Russia, a signatory of the pact, initially prevaricated on ratification. But in May Putin backed it in exchange for EU agreement on the terms of Moscow's admission to the World Trade Organization.
``We warmly welcome the decision,'' a European Commission spokesman said in Brussels. He added that the EU now encouraged Washington to review its attitude to the pact. Environmentalists and experts were equally positive.
``Now he (Putin) can go down in history as the savior (of Kyoto),'' said Benito Mueller, an expert on the issue for British-based think-tank the Royal Institute for International Affairs.
However, Thursday's meeting left unanswered the question of when parliament could practically debate ratification. Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, who was absent from the cabinet meeting, predicted a tough battle in the State Duma, the lower house.
``The discussion on the subject is open and debate is likely to be difficult,'' Fradkov was quoted by Interfax news agency as saying on a visit to the Netherlands.
Proponents of Kyoto say that apart from contributing to environmental security worldwide, Russia would be encouraged to upgrade its industries to match new standards and could earn billions of dollars selling excess quotas for gas emissions.
But opponents said Russia was likely to be the loser.
``The Academy of Science confirms its position that the protocol is not effective and gives us no advantages,'' the head of the academy's institute on climate change and ecology, Yuri Izrael, told the cabinet meeting.
Putin's economic adviser Andrei Illarionov warned that new environmental standards would cost industry more and undermine the Kremlin's plan to double gross domestic product in 10 years.
``Many economic calculations show that if the protocol is ratified, the doubling of GDP becomes impossible in the next 10 years,'' Illarionov said. ``This will require changes in the social and economic policies.''
But the influential head of Duma's international affairs committee, Konstantin Kosachev, said that, despite differences, parliament had the means to ratify Kyoto smoothly now that the government had expressed its will.
``There seems to be a consensus over the political importance of Kyoto, while economic and ecological consequences are the issues causing trouble,'' he told reporters.
``If the government decided the pact should be ratified, it must have thought that the latter two are not that important.''
There is no official time limit for the cabinet to send a ratification request to the Duma. Kosachev said that if it was quick in coming, his committee could consider it by the end of the year to prepare for a full-session debate.
Interfax said ministries linked to the environment had been given three months to work out practical measures arising from Russia's obligations.
Government officials have said that Russia needs changes in environmental legislation, new regulations on measuring emissions and rules for trading quotas.
OSCOW, Sept. 30 - The long-delayed Kyoto Protocol on global warming overcame its last critical hurdle to taking effect around the world on Thursday when Russia's cabinet endorsed the treaty and sent it to Parliament. The treaty, the first to require cuts in emissions linked to global warming, would take effect 90 days after Parliament's approval, a formality that was widely expected.
The United States has rejected the treaty and will not be bound by its restrictions. But the treaty, which has already been ratified by 120 countries will take effect if supporters include nations accounting for at least 55 percent of all industrialized countries' 1990-level emissions. The only way for it to cross that threshold was with ratification by Russia. In 1990, the United States accounted for 36.1 percent of emissions from industrialized countries, and Russia 17.4 percent.
The protocol was dormant over the last two years as Russia considered its merits and sought concessions from the European Union, the treaty's main proponent.
The treaty is widely considered a milestone of international environmental diplomacy. It is the first agreement that sets binding restrictions on emissions of heat-trapping gases that, for now, remain an unavoidable result of almost any facet of modern life, including driving a car and running a power plant. The main source of the dominant gas, carbon dioxide, is burning coal and oil.
But many specialists say that, at the same time, the protocol is just the tiniest initial step toward limiting the human influence on the climate, given that its targets are small and that the United States will not be bound by its terms. China, a major polluter that did sign the treaty, is not bound by its restrictions because it is considered a developing country.
The treaty would require 36 industrialized countries to reduce their collective emissions of six greenhouse gases by 2012 to more than five percent below 1990 levels, with different targets negotiated for individual countries.
By one calculation, it would take more than 40 times the emissions reductions required under the treaty to prevent a doubling of the pre-industrial concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in this century.
Still, the decision by the government of President Vladimir V. Putin to endorse the treaty was "cause for celebration," said Klaus Toepfer, the executive director of the United Nations Environment Program.
He acknowledged that the Kyoto accord was "only the first step in a long journey towards stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions." But Mr. Toepfer added that Russia's move sent a vital signal to developing countries, which supported the treaty only if it excused them from reductions, and the small number of wealthy nations that still oppose curbs on the gases that cause global warming, most notably the United States.
"I hope other nations, some of whom, like Russia, have maybe been in the past reluctant to ratify, will now join us in this truly global endeavor," he said.
In Washington, Harlan L. Watson, the chief State Department negotiator on climate issues, said Russia's decision would not change the Bush administration's rejection of the treaty. Mr. Watson said the United States would continue to focus on long-term research to find new nonpolluting sources of energy or ways to limit the buildup of carbon dioxide.
A spokesman for
One more step is required in Russia for the pact to take effect - approval by the Parliament, or Duma. But the body is dominated by supporters of Mr. Putin, so approval is expected, even though Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov predicted a "difficult debate." The treaty would take effect 90 days after the Duma approval.
Mr. Putin made no public statement on Thursday. His top economic adviser, Andrei Illarionov, who had opposed the pact, said that the decision to endorse it had been made for political reasons and that the task now would be to try to minimize what he called the treaty's negative consequences for Russia.
He said compliance would slow Russia's economic growth and make it impossible to meet Mr. Putin's stated goal of doubling the gross domestic product within a decade.
"It's not a decision we are making with pleasure," Mr. Illarionov said, the Interfax news agency reported.
The European Union had pressed Russia for more than a year to accept the pact. In Brussels, Romano Prodi, the president of the European Commission, said "President Putin has sent a strong signal of his commitment and sense of responsibility."
Mr. Illarionov had said the treaty was based on false and even deceptive scientific assumptions.
His views conflict with a broad international scientific consensus that the buildup of long-lived gases, which act like the panes in a greenhouse roof, is likely to disrupt weather patterns and water supplies and threaten coasts by raising sea levels.
German Gref, Russia's economic development minister, called the treaty "a progressive step" but said, "It will hardly be decisive in radically improving the environmental situation."
Breaking with Mr. Illarionov, Mr. Gref added that the treaty was unlikely to undermine Russia's economic growth.
In Washington, some lobbyists for American industries opposed to the treaty suggested there was a chance that Mr. Putin still opposed it and was planning for Parliament to reject it - as proof that he was not consolidating power.
But in Moscow, the mood among environmental activists was cautiously upbeat.
Vladimir Azkharov, director of the Center for Russian Environmental Policy, a lobbying group, said the treaty "very, very probably" would be approved in parliament, although he said, "there is no guarantee."
President Bush summarily rejected the treaty in 2001, saying it would burden the economy by limiting use of fossil fuels and would unfairly exclude big developing countries from curbs on emissions. The Senate had long ago signaled its opposition for the same reasons.
China and other developing countries, while signing the treaty, only did so because it obligated established industrial powers to act first.
Last December, in what seemed a definitive rejection, Mr. Illarionov said Russia would not sign the treaty. In May, however, Mr. Putin promised to speed ratification, in a move widely interpreted as a concession to gain support from the European Union for Russia's bid to join the World Trade Organization. International environmental groups expressed satisfaction at the news.
"As the Earth is battered by increasing storms, floods and droughts, President Putin has brought us to a pivotal point in human history," Steve Sawyer, a climate campaigner for Greenpeace International, said. "The Bush administration is out in the cold and the rest of the world can move forward."
In a telephone interview, Fred Krupp, the president of Environmental Defense, said, "What is significant is that it will be a market signal heard around the world, a signal that we are moving into a carbon-constrained future."
The treaty, named for the Japanese city of Kyoto where it was negotiated in 1997, is an outgrowth of a 1992 pact, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, that was signed by Mr. Bush's father and under which countries agreed to strive to bring their emissions of the gases to 1990 levels by 2000.
By the mid-1990s, however, it was clear that the targets would not be met, leading to a new round of talks toward a binding protocol with firm targets and penalties.
Its basic architecture and targets were hastily negotiated in December 1997 in Kyoto. But momentum was lost after Mr. Bush rejected it and after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Some of its biggest weaknesses now stem from the long delays. Subsequent economic activity and rising emissions have threatened to put Europe and Japan, its main backers, out of compliance.
The treaty provides various strategies through which countries can reach their targets without actually reducing emissions at home. Investments can be made in poor countries to save forests, which absorb carbon dioxide, or introduce efficient technologies, which use less fuel.
It permits emissions trading, in which one country buys the right to emit from another that has already exceeded its targets for reducing emissions and has extra credits.
Prof. David G. Victor, a political scientist at Stanford and longtime student of the protocol, said Russia had nothing to lose by moving ahead, since it surpassed its Kyoto targets before they were set.
After the Russian economy collapsed with the fall of Communism, the country's greenhouse gas emissions fell far below 1990 levels, leaving it with a bonanza of tradable credits earned when it surpassed its targets for reducing emissions. For Europe this bundle of credits is a mixed blessing now, Mr. Victor said.
The European Union recently passed legislation creating an internal trading market under the protocol's terms, so that richer member states, like Britain, could get credit toward targets by investing in emissions-cutting projects in poorer, more polluted, ones, like Spain. But under the treaty's terms, Europe, Japan, and other industrialized participants can buy credits from Russia as well. If Russia now starts selling its credits to Europe, there will be little incentive for companies within the European Union to push ahead with plans to cut emissions that would be more costly, Mr. Victor said.
Seth Mydans reported from Moscow for this article, and Andrew C.Revkin from Washington.
Severe drought in western states in recent years may be linked to climate warming trends, according to new research led by scientists from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University to be posted October 7 on Science magazine's website, http://www.sciencemag.org. This research was supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Analyzing aridity in the western U.S. over the past 1,200 years, the study team, which also included scientists from the University of Arizona, University of Arkansas, and NOAA, found evidence suggesting that elevated aridity in the U.S. West may be a natural response to climate warming. "The Western United States is so vulnerable to drought, we thought it was important to understand some of the long-term causes of drought in North America," said lead author Dr. Edward R. Cook of the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory's tree ring laboratory.
The study revealed that a 400-year-long period of elevated aridity and epic drought occurred in what is now the western U.S. during the period A.D. 900-1300. This corresponds broadly to the so-called "Medieval Warm Period," a time in which a variety of paleoclimate records indicate unusual warmth over much of the Northern Hemisphere. The authors of the new study argue that there are climate mechanisms involved that make warming climate conditions likely to lead to increased prevalence of drought in the western, interior region of North America.
Looking at implications for the future, the authors express concern. "Any trend towards warmer temperatures in the future could lead to a serious long-term increase in aridity over Western North America," they write in the paper.
Co-author Dr. David Meko of the University of Arizona tree ring lab notes that the drought that has gripped the western United States for the past four years "pales in comparison with some of the earlier droughts we see from the tree-ring record. What would really put a stress on society is decade-long drought."
"If warming over the tropical Pacific Ocean promotes drought over the western U.S., this is a potential problem for the future in a world that is increasingly subjected to greenhouse warming," Dr. Cook added.
The study's authors used tree ring records to reconstruct evidence of drought, and also looked at a number of independent drought indicators ranging from elevated charcoal in lake sediments to sand dune activation records. The team then used published climate model studies to explore mechanisms that link warming with aridity in the western U.S.
In addition to the paper in Science, they also used the data to create a CD-ROM called the North American Drought Atlas, the first of its kind, providing a history of drought on this continent. The atlas contains annual maps of reconstructed droughts over North America, an animation of those maps showing aridity over time, and a time series plot of each reconstruction with associated plots of calibrated and verification statistics. The North American Drought Atlas CD-ROM can be obtained by contacting Dr. Edward R. Cook at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (drdendro@ldeo.columbia.edu).
### The Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory is part of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, the world's leading academic center for the integrated study of Earth, its environment, and society. The Earth Institute builds upon excellence in the core disciplines–earth sciences, biological sciences, engineering sciences, social sciences and health sciences–and stresses cross-disciplinary approaches to complex problems. Through its research training and global partnerships, it mobilizes science and technology to advance sustainable development, while placing special emphasis on the needs of the world's poor. For more information please visit http://www.earth.columbia.edu.
This story has been adapted from a news release issued by The Earth Institute At Columbia University.
he first thorough assessment of a decadeslong Arctic warming trend shows the region is undergoing profound changes, including sharp retreats of glaciers and sea ice, thawing of permafrost, and shifts in ocean and atmospheric conditions that are likely to harm native communities, wildlife, and economic activities while offering some benefits, as well.
The report, while noting that conditions in the far north have varied naturally in the past, says the current shifts match longstanding scientific projections that the Arctic should be the first place to feel the impact of rising atmospheric concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases from smokestacks and tailpipes.
It adds that the warming and other changes are likely to accelerate in this century because of the ongoing buildup in greenhouse gases.
Prompt efforts to curb such emissions could slow the pace of change sufficiently to allow communities and wildlife to adapt, the report says. But it also stresses that some further warming and melting is unavoidable given the centurylong buildup of the long-lived gases, mainly carbon dioxide.
"These changes in the Arctic provide an early indication of the environmental and societal significance of global warming," the executive summary of the report says.
The study, called the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, was commissioned four years ago by the eight nations with Arctic territory - Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the United States - and conducted and reviewed by 250 scientists and representatives of six organizations representing Arctic native communities.
The study was scheduled for release at a conference in Iceland on Nov. 9, but electronic copies of some portions were provided to The New York Times by European participants in the project, several of whom said that publication had been delayed in part by the Bush administration because of the political contentiousness of global warming.
Officials of the Arctic Council, the international body that commissioned the study, denied that was the case. "There is no truth to the contention that any of the member states of the
Arctic Council pushed the release of the report back into November," said Gunnar Palsson of Iceland, the chairman of the council's eight government representatives. A State Department official declined to comment directly on the Arctic report, saying that Mr. Palsson spoke for the council.
He said that the countries all agreed to delay the issuance to November from September because of conflicts with another international meeting in Iceland.
The American scientist directing the assessment, Dr. Robert W. Corell, an oceanographer and senior fellow of the American Meteorological Society, said the timing was set during diplomatic discussions that did not involve the scientists.He said he could not yet comment on the specific findings, but noted that the signals from the Arctic have global significance.
"The major message is that climate change is here and now in the Arctic," he said today. "The scientific evidence of the last 25 to 30 years is very dramatic and substantial. The projections of future change indicate that this trend will continue and be substantially greater than the trends we're seeing on a global scale."
The report is a profusely illustrated window on a region in remarkable flux, incorporating reams of scientific data as well as observations by elders from communities around the Arctic Circle.
The potential benefits of the changes include projected growth in marine fish stocks and improved prospects for agriculture and timber harvests in some regions, as well as expanded access to Arctic waters.
There, sea-bed deposits of oil and gas that have until now been cloaked in thick shifting crusts of sea ice could soon be exploitable, and ice-free trade routes over Siberia could significantly cut shipping distances between Europe and Asia in the summer. But the list of potential harms is far longer.
The same retreat of sea ice, it says, "is very likely to have devastating consequences for polar bears, ice-living seals and local people for whom these animals are a primary food source."
Oil and gas deposits on land are likely to be harder to extract as tundra continues to thaw, limiting the frozen season when drilling convoys can traverse the otherwise spongy ground, the report says. Alaska has already seen the "tundra travel" season on the North Slope shrink from about 200 days a year in 1970 to 100 days now.
And it concludes that the consequences of the fast-paced Arctic warming have global reach, in part as sea levels rise in response to the accelerated melting of Greenland's two-mile-high sheets of ice.
There have been continuing disagreements between American officials and other participants over the report's contents and timetable.
Last year, for example, the State Department distributed a document to representatives from the other Arctic countries saying that it opposed having the technical experts draw conclusions about policies on greenhouse gases or other related factors until the scientific findings had been reviewed by the eight participating governments.
A copy was provided to The New York Times by a person involved in the project who criticized the delay in considering the implications of the climate shifts.
The document said this was "a fundamental flaw" in the process. The implications of the findings could not be legitimately considered before the scientific assessment was completed and governments needed to have the right to suggest changes.
comprehensive four-year study of warming in the Arctic shows that heat-trapping gases from tailpipes and smokestacks around the world are contributing to profound environmental changes, including sharp retreats of glaciers and sea ice, thawing of permafrost and shifts in the weather, the oceans and the atmosphere.
The study, commissioned by eight nations with Arctic territory, including the United States, says the changes are likely to harm native communities, wildlife and economic activity but also to offer some benefits, like longer growing seasons. The report is due to be released on Nov. 9, but portions were provided yesterday to The New York Times by European participants in the project.
While Arctic warming has been going on for decades and has been studied before, this is the first thorough assessment of the causes and consequences of the trend.
It was conducted by nearly 300 scientists, as well as elders from the native communities in the region, after representatives of the eight nations met in October 2000 in Barrow, Alaska, amid a growing sense of urgency about the effects of global warming on the Arctic.
The findings support the broad but politically controversial scientific consensus that global warming is caused mainly by rising atmospheric concentrations of heat-trapping greenhouse gases, and that the Arctic is the first region to feel its effects. While the report is advisory and carries no legal weight, it is likely to increase pressure on the Bush administration, which has acknowledged a possible human role in global warming but says the science is still too murky to justify mandatory reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions.
The State Department, which has reviewed the report, declined to comment on it yesterday.
The report says that "while some historical changes in climate have resulted from natural causes and variations, the strength of the trends and the patterns of change that have emerged in recent decades indicate that human influences, resulting primarily from increased emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, have now become the dominant factor."
The Arctic "is now experiencing some of the most rapid and severe climate change on Earth," the report says, adding, "Over the next 100 years, climate change is expected to accelerate, contributing to major physical, ecological, social and economic changes, many of which have already begun."
Scientists have long expected the Arctic to warm more rapidly than other regions, partly because as snow and ice melt, the loss of bright reflective surfaces causes the exposed land and water to absorb more of the sun's energy. Also, warming tends to build more rapidly at the surface in the Arctic because colder air from the upper atmosphere does not mix with the surface air as readily as at lower latitudes, scientists say.
The report says the effects of warming may be heightened by other factors, including overfishing, rising populations, rising levels of ultraviolet radiation from the depleted ozone layer (a condition at both poles). "The sum of these factors threatens to overwhelm the adaptive capacity of some Arctic populations and ecosystems," it says.
Prompt efforts to curb greenhouse-gas emissions could slow the pace of change, allowing communities and wildlife to adapt, the report says. But it also stresses that further warming and melting are unavoidable, given the century-long buildup of the gases, mainly carbon dioxide.
Several of the Europeans who provided parts of the report said they had done so because the Bush administration had delayed publication until after the presidential election, partly because of the political contentiousness of global warming.
But Gunnar Palsson of Iceland, chairman of the Arctic Council, the international body that commissioned the study, said yesterday that there was "no truth to the contention that any of the member states of the Arctic Council pushed the release of the report back into November." Besides the United States, the members are Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia and Sweden.
Mr. Palsson said all the countries had agreed to delay the release, originally scheduled for September, because of conflicts with another international meeting in Iceland.
The American scientist directing the assessment, Dr. Robert W. Corell, an oceanographer and senior fellow of the American Meteorological Society, said the timing was set during diplomatic discussions that did not involve the scientists.
He said he could not yet comment on the specific findings, but noted that the signals from the Arctic have global significance.
"The major message is that climate change is here and now in the Arctic," he said.
The report is a profusely illustrated window on a region in remarkable flux, incorporating reams of scientific data as well as observations by elders from native communities around the Arctic Circle.
The potential benefits of the changes include projected growth in marine fish stocks and improved prospects for agriculture and timber harvests in some regions, as well as expanded access to Arctic waters.
But the list of potential harms is far longer.
The retreat of sea ice, the report says, "is very likely to have devastating consequences for polar bears, ice-living seals and local people for whom these animals are a primary food source."
Oil and gas deposits on land are likely to be harder to extract as tundra thaws, limiting the frozen season when drilling convoys can traverse the otherwise spongy ground, the report says. Alaska has already seen the "tundra travel" season on the North Slope shrink to 100 days from about 200 days a year in 1970.
The report concludes that the consequences of the fast-paced Arctic warming will be global. In particular, the accelerated melting of Greenland's two-mile-high sheets of ice will cause sea levels to rise around the world.
WASHINGTON - Global warming is heating the Arctic almost twice as fast as the rest of the planet in a thaw that threatens millions of livelihoods and could wipe out polar bears by 2100, an eight-nation report said on Monday.
The biggest survey to date of the Arctic climate, by 250 scientists, said the accelerating melt could be a foretaste of wider disruptions from a buildup of human emissions of heat-trapping gases in the Earth's atmosphere.
The "Arctic climate is now warming rapidly and much larger changes are projected," according to the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, funded by the United States, Canada, Russia, Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Norway and Finland.
The study said the annual average amount of sea ice in the Arctic has decreased about 8 percent in the past 30 years, resulting in the loss of 386,100 square miles of sea ice - an area bigger than Texas and Arizona combined.
"The polar regions are essentially the Earth's air conditioner," Michael MacCracken, president of the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, said at a news conference Monday. "Imagine the Earth having a less efficient air conditioner."
Pointing to the report as a clear signal that global warming is real, Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., said the "dire consequences" of warming in the Arctic underscore the need for their proposal to require U.S. cuts in emissions of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases.
President Bush has rejected that approach.
James Connaughton, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, said the Bush administration is spending $10 billion yearly on research into climate change and related issues.
"The president's strategy on climate change is quite detailed," he said.
Farming could benefit in some areas, while more productive forests are moving north onto former tundra.
"There are not just negative consequences, there will be new opportunities, too," said Paal Prestrud, vice-chair of the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment.
Possible benefits like more productive fisheries, easier access to oil and gas deposits or trans-Arctic shipping routes would be outweighed by threats to indigenous peoples and the habitats of animals and plants.
Sea ice around the North Pole, for instance, could almost disappear in summer by the end of the century.
"Polar bears are unlikely to survive as a species if there is an almost complete loss of summer sea-ice cover," the report said. On land, creatures like lemmings, caribou, reindeer and snowy owls are being squeezed north into a narrower range.
The report mainly blames the melt on gases from fossil fuels burned in cars, factories and power plants. The Arctic warms faster than the global average because dark ground and water, once exposed, traps more heat than reflective snow and ice.
Many of the 4 million people in the Arctic are already suffering. Buildings from Russia to Canada have collapsed because of subsidence linked to thawing permafrost that also destabilizes oil pipelines, roads and airports.
Indigenous hunters are falling through thinning ice and say that prey from seals to whales is harder to find. Rising levels of ultraviolet radiation may cause cancers.
The White House said it would not comment on Monday's findings but would await the full report next year.
"This is one draft of a report that has yet to be finished," White House spokesman Trent Duffy said.
In the past 50 years, average yearly temperatures in Alaska and Siberia rose by about 3.6 degrees to 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit, and winters in Alaska and western Canada warmed an average of 5 degrees to 7 degrees Fahrenheit.
With "some of the most rapid and severe climate change on Earth," the Arctic regions' melting contributed to sea levels rising globally by an average of about 3 inches in the past 20 years, the report said.
Sea levels globally already are expected to rise between another 4 inches to 3 feet or more this century.
"These changes in the Arctic provide an early indication of the environmental and societal significance of global warming," the study says.
The study projects that in the next 100 years, the yearly average temperatures will increase by 7 to 13 degrees Fahrenheit over land and 13 to 18 degrees over the ocean, mainly because the water absorbs more heat.
Forests would expand into Arctic tundra, which in turn would expand into polar ice deserts since rising temperatures favor taller, denser vegetation. Arctic tundra would shrink to its smallest extent since 21,000 years ago when humans began emerging from an Ice Age.
UPTON, NY - Climate scientists agree that atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has increased about 35 percent over the industrial period and that it will continue to rise so that CO2 will reach double its pre-industrial value well before the end of this century. How much this doubled CO2 concentration will raise Earth’s global mean temperature, however, remains quite uncertain and is the subject of intense research — and heated debate.
This graph shows estimates of the influences of various factors
(greenhouse gases, ozone, aerosols, and other) on climate change over the
industrial period, and their combined total influence. Red brackets
indicate the range of uncertainty for each factor and the total. The
uncertainty for the "total" estimate is so large because of the large
uncertainty in the estimated influence of aerosols. Shrinking the
uncertainty associated with the total to a value that is useful for
interpreting Earths climate sensitivity requires a major reduction in the
uncertainty associated with the influence of aerosols. (Graphic courtesy
of Brookhaven National Laboratory)
In a paper to be published in the November issue of the Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, Stephen Schwartz, an atmospheric scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, argues that much of the reason for the present uncertainty in the climatic effect of increased CO2 arises from uncertainty about the influence of atmospheric aerosols, tiny particles in the air. Schwartz, who is also chief scientist of the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Science Program, points out that aerosols scatter and absorb light and modify the properties of clouds, making them brighter and thus able to reflect more incoming solar radiation before it reaches Earth’s surface.
“Because these aerosol particles, like CO2, are introduced into the atmosphere as a consequence of industrial processes such as fossil fuel combustion,” says Schwartz, “they have been exerting an influence on climate over the same period of time as the increase in CO2, and could thus very well be masking much of the influence of that greenhouse gas.” However, he emphasizes, the influence of aerosols is not nearly so well understood as the influence of greenhouse gases.
As Schwartz documents, the uncertainty in the climate influence of atmospheric aerosols limits any inference that can be drawn about future climate sensitivity — how much the temperature would rise due to CO2 doubling alone — from the increase in global mean temperature already observed over the industrial period.
The global warming of 0.5 degrees Celsius (0.9 degrees Fahrenheit) that has taken place since 1900 suggests that, if there were no aerosol influence, the effect of CO2 doubling on mean global temperature would be rather low — a rise of 0.9 degrees Celsius (1.6 degrees Fahrenheit). But, the likelihood that aerosols have been offsetting some of the warming caused by CO2 all along, says Schwartz, means that the observed 0.5-degree-Celsius temperature rise is just the part of the CO2 effect we can “see” — the tip of the greenhouse “iceberg.” So the effect of doubling CO2, holding everything else constant, he says, might be three or more times as great.
“Knowledge of Earth’s climate sensitivity is central to informed decision-making regarding future carbon dioxide emissions and developing strategies to cope with a greenhouse-warmed world,” Schwartz says. However, as he points out, not knowing how much aerosols offset greenhouse warming makes it impossible to refine estimates of climate sensitivity. Right now, climate models with low sensitivity to CO2 and those with high sensitivity are able to reproduce the temperature change observed over the industrial period equally well by using different values of the aerosol influence, all of which lie within the uncertainty of present estimates.
“In order to appreciably reduce uncertainty in Earth’s climate sensitivity the uncertainty in aerosol influences on climate must be reduced at least threefold,” Schwartz concludes. He acknowledges that such a reduction in uncertainty presents an enormous challenge to the aerosol research community.
An editorial accompanying the paper credits Schwartz with presenting “a unique argument challenging the research community to reduce the uncertainty in aerosol forcing of climate change in order to reduce the uncertainty in climate sensitivity to an extent that would be more useful to decision makers.” The editorial also suggests that, “Schwartz’s calculations are not only of interest for the issue of climate change but may serve as a paradigm for environmental issues in general.”
This research was funded by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research within the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
Editor's Note: The original news release can be found here.
Really, when you think about it, who needs polar bears? Oh, they are OK to look at in a zoo, although they don't do tricks like the monkeys, and they are pleasant enough as extras in Christmastime kiddie movies.
But they make no political contributions and have no lobbyists in Washington, so, well, easy come, easy go.
The bears' likely extinction by the end of this century is predicted in the recent report of a four-year study by 300 scientists from the eight nations, including the United States, that sponsored the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment.
Going with the polar bears will be some species of seals, several migratory bird species and assorted other creatures.
In a preview of some of the consequences from unchecked global warming, the study found that the Arctic regions of the United States, Canada and Russia have been warming at a rate about 10 times that of the rest of Earth.
Average temperatures have risen 4 to 7 degrees in just the last 50 years. Arctic ice is melting. It will be turning up as higher sea levels and will flood, among other places, parts of Florida and Louisiana particularly.
The culprits are the greenhouse gases created by burning fossil fuels. The scientific consensus on this point is international and nearly universal except for a few holdouts still on the payrolls of implicated energy and related industries.
But to hear the U.S. government tell it - at least, the current administration and depending on which agency is speaking - either global warming is a fiction gotten up by anti-business socialists or, if it is real, it is a natural, cyclical phenomenon and the right and proper answer to it is to quit whining and look on the bright side of how great it is going to be for water sports.
One of George W. Bush's early acts as president was to take the United States out of the Kyoto Treaty, which the previous administration had helped to negotiate.
The treaty's requirements for restraining greenhouse gas emissions would be bad for business, Bush said, declining even to seek mitigating adjustments.
With Russia's recent ratification of Kyoto, the treaty now has enough signatories to activate it, and although our State Department keeps saying Washington will work with the Kyoto nations for the common environmental good, in fact we have done nothing serious along those lines.
U.S. policy, as a result, is a standing affront to science, to international concern and cooperation and to common sense.
The rest of the world is left pretty much on its own to solve a problem to which we are the single largest contributor. (And, yes, some of the signers will cheat and others default, but the drift will be toward compliance, and the renegers could be more effectively chastened if we were involved.)
Maybe counting on the lovable polar bears to prevail as the issue's poster children where science is disdained, the head of the National Environmental Trust said of this sober Arctic report:
"This is the smoking gun. Skeptics, polluting industries and President Bush can't run away from this one."
Wanna bet?
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The main focus was to discuss the Kyoto Protocol on global warming, which goes into force on Feb. 16 and will require industrial nations to make substantial cuts in their emissions of so-called greenhouse gases. But another goal had been to draw the United States, which withdrew from the accord in 2001, back into discussions about ways to mitigate climate change after 2012, when the Kyoto agreement expires.
Governments that are already committed to reducing emissions under the Kyoto plan used diplomatic language to express their disappointment at the American position. Environmental groups, however, were more critical of what they characterized as obstructionism.
"This is a new low for the United States, not just to pull out, but to block other countries from moving ahead on their own path," said Jeff Fiedler, an observer representing the Washington-based Natural Resources Defense Council. "It's almost spiteful to say, 'You can't move ahead without us.' If you're not going to lead, then get out of the way."
Because the United States rejects the Kyoto accord, it cannot take part except as an observer in talks on global warming held under that format. It has, however, signed a broader 1992 convention on climate change that is based on purely voluntary measures, and the European Union and others had hoped to organize seminars within that framework.
But the United States maintains it is too early to take even that step, and initially insisted that "there shall be no written or oral report" from any seminars. In the end, all that could be achieved was an agreement to hold a single workshop next year to "exchange information" on climate change.
"We are very flexible, but not at all costs," said Pieter van Geel, state
secretary of the environment for the
Delegations and observer groups also criticized what they described as an effort led by Saudi Arabia and supported by the United States to hamper approval of so-called adaptation assistance. That term refers to payments that richer countries would make, mostly to poor, low-lying island countries to help them cope with the impacts of climate change.
The group that would receive the aid includes Pacific Ocean states like
Tuvalu, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands and Micronesia, and Caribbean nations
like the
But the issue was complicated by Saudi Arabia's insistence that the aid include compensation to oil-producing countries for any fall in revenues that may result from the reduction in the use of carbon fuels. The European Union, which had announced its intention to provide $400 million a year to an assistance fund, strongly opposed any such provision.
Harlan Watson, a senior member of the American delegation, would not specifically discuss the American position other than to say there are "always tos and fros in any negotiation." He described the results as "the most comprehensive adaptation package that has ever been completed," and "something that satisfied all parties."
The United States also stood virtually alone in challenging the scientific assumptions underlying the Kyoto Protocol. "Science tells us that we cannot say with any certainty what constitutes a dangerous level of warming, and therefore what level must be avoided," Paula Dobriansky, under secretary of state for global affairs and the leader of the American delegation, said in her remarks to the conference.
At a side meeting organized by insurance companies, however, concerns were expressed about rapidly rising payments resulting from more severe and frequent hurricanes, heat waves and flooding. Representatives of major European reinsurance companies described 2004 as "the costliest year for the insurance industry worldwide" and warned that worse is likely to come.
Thomas Loster, a climate expert at the Munich Re insurance group, estimated that the cost of disasters will rise to as much as $95 billion annually, compared to an average of $70 billion over the past decade. Experts here acknowledge that extreme weather patterns have always existed, but maintain that their frequency and intensity has been increasing because of global warming.
"There is more and more evidence building up that indicates that whatever is going on is not natural and is no longer within the realm of variability," said Alden Meyer, policy director of the Union of Concerned Scientists. Enough research has been done, especially in the Arctic, he added, to establish that "we are starting to see the impact of human interference" and "a clear pattern of human-induced climate change."
Those sharply different perceptions led to a clash even over what language should be used in discussing disaster relief. Bush administration emissaries opposed the use of the phrase "climate change," employed since the days of the first Bush administration, in favor of "climate variability," a much more nebulous term.