Grading Rubric for I-3 Bristlecone Pine Write-Up
(worth  20 pts)




Needs improvement

 (5 pts possible)
5- pts  worksheet adequately filled in & indicative of active engagement in the class activity 2-4 pts  worksheet filled in with basic information only 0-1 pts worksheet absent (0 pts) or only minimally filled in

(I-3 Write-Up
Parts A- C)

(11 pts possible)


9-11 pts based on how well the report:

Addresses Parts (A) through (C) completely, clearly, thoroughly, accurately, & articulately.

Demonstrates a high level of independent critical thinking about the assignment beyond the classroom; effectively ties together
  the observations, hypotheses, class discussion, and conclusions into a well-constructed synthesis of the entire activity.

5-8 pts based on how well the report:

 Addresses Parts (A) through (C) completely, clearly, thoroughly, and accurately

 Demonstrates some independent thinking and synthesis; does not just "parrot" phrases from the in-class discussion, but shows evidence of thinking and making connections beyond the classroom about the material in the assignment.

0-4 pts based on how well the report:

 Addresses Parts (A) through (C) but not completely, clearly, thoroughly or accurately on every point.

 Demonstrates some follow-up thinking about the assignment but mostly repeats what was said in the class discussion and doesn't go beyond this by thinking on one's own.

Top Two
(Part D essay)

(2 pts possible)
2 pts if:

The "TOP TWO" essay is written extremely well and  demonstrates an inquisitive and creative exploration and quest for learning something new
1 pt if:

The "TOP TWO" essay was attempted but not quite up to snuff in terms of  quality of writing and demonstration of a creative exploration & quest for learning something new
0 pt if:

not attempted or attempted, but not satisfactory according to criteria described in boxes at left.

Expression and format

(2 pts possible)


 1.5-2 pts based on whether:

Paper has effective sentence & paragraph structure. Writing is concise, organized and ideas are expressed well, with clarity  

No major spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.

Sources used are referenced
1 properly (see note below for referencing guidelines)

1 - 1.5 pt based on whether:

 Most sentences are concise and show good word choice and arrangement. Paragraphs are well-organized  and fairly clear.

A few spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors, but  none that detract from the meaning.

Sources used are referenced, but not in proper format  or some items inadequately  referenced 1

0 - 1 pts based on whether:

Paper is excessively wordy and/or unclear with many poorly structured sentences and poorly organized paragraphs.

Many spelling, punctuation or grammar errors that detract significantly from the essay's effectiveness & meaning.

Sources used are not referenced 1 or are poorly referenced

 1 NOTE:   CLICK HERE  for examples of how to reference different types of sources, including websites.


  • Allow yourself enough time to think about the activity before you begin writing.
  • Structure your write-up according to the sections requested.
  • To get a good grade, be sure you put in the effort to produce the quality of work
    described in the GRADING RUBRIC above under the EXCELLENT column.
  • Take advantage of the information in all the LINKS  provided to fill in gaps in your
    understanding and learn about tree rings in more depth.
  • Go "the extra mile" and demonstrate evidence of this!
  • Have someone else proofread your paper.
  • Evaluate your paper yourself, using the Grading Rubric above.  Have
    you written the kind of paper that will get you the grade you want?
  • Do NOT plagiarize !!  <== click on this link to be SURE you are not doing it!

    Questions on how to cite a reference, including a website?

    CLICK HERE  for examples of how to reference different
    types of sources, including websites.
