Various Perspectives on U.S. Policy on GHG Emissions Control  & the Global Warming Debate

1.  Scan through the articles below under "Food for Thought" (which presents various sides of the issue), "The International Perspective" (which describes the recent International Climate Conference and the events leading up to it), and " News Items on Global Warming and Related Issues."  

2. Decide where you (and your assigned role) are coming from in the midst of these various views and pick out those articles: that articulate or resonate with your perspective (or the perspective of your role), that outrage you, or that really challenge you to think outside the box.  

3. Use your selected articles (or additional articles which you find yourself) to document and reference your written statements and lists of "points" and "counterpoints  (STEP 3 & STEP 4)." Cite the articles you used in your Reference list (STEP 5).

FOOD FOR THOUGHT -- Varying Perspectives to Get You Thinking:

CLICK HERE for a variety of links to recent articles on global warming.

To give you some ideas, here are some dated -- yet interesting -- articles from past years.  You should find your own more recent perspectives . . .    Question: Have attitudes changed any over the past five years?

Climate Talks Bring Bush's Policy to Fore (Washington Post 12-5-04)

Pushing Energy Conservation Into the Back Seat of the S.U.V.  (New York Times 11-22-03)

Climate of Uncertainty -- Scientific American essay on Bush / U.S. perspective, uncertainty, and global warming skeptics

Warming to the Task  -- Editorial from David Gergen of U.S. News & World Reports comparing attitudes toward the global warming risk to attitudes toward cancer risk from smoking

An unnatural stand, Why don't conservatives care about saving the planet? -- a conservative asks this question in a U.S. News & World Reports editorial

Faith-Based Reasoning -- Editorial from Scientific American comparing the Bush administration's acceptance of the science underlying strategic missile defense vs. the science underlying global warming

 The Anti-Global Warming Petition Project -- A group of scientists who are global warming skeptics review the global warming literature and gather signatures on their petition

Global Warming Debunking News and Views -- more perspectives from the global warming skeptics

UA Wildcat's own "Point & Counterpoint" on Global Warming:  Shane Dale vs. Jessica Lee