(worth 25 pts)
Due in the Dropbox on
Friday Oct 2
(by 11:59 pm)
Bring a copy of your results to class
to share with your group (electronically or on paper)
Monday Oct 5th
so your group resutls can be
Complete the Background Reading
page 97 in Class Notes
pp 198-199 in Dire Predictions
Explanatory pages on the Global Footprint Network website:
World Footprint
Carbon Footprint
Frequently Asked Questions
Compute your Ecological
Footprint using the calculator at this website:
Select USA for your LOCATION
even if you are from another country.
When you are done, your results will be displayed on the screen in a
Results Box that looks
something like this one which was produced by “Stella Student”:
Copy, “snip” or make a “screen shot” of the
Results Box image
and paste it into a Word
document file (.doc or .docx)
with your name typed on it.
Summarize your Ecological Footprint results
Study your results and write
a Summary of what you
learned by calculating your Ecological Footprint. Your one page summary
should be (400-500 words) written by you alone. It
should describe what you observed and learned. Be specific about the
connection between the choices you made as you went through the
footprint calculator and the resulting categories that are spelled
out in the Results Box. Pay special attention to the part of
the Results Box shown below. Your results
will differ, but it will help you see what part of the Earth's
resources are most needed to support your lifestyle -- INCLUDING how
many tons of carbon dioxide!
compare your results to the USA Average Ecological Footprint
based on the following Results Box:
Criteria for an Excellent Written Summary:
An excellent written summary will . . .
Address the ability of Planet Earth’s resources to support a
lifestyle like yours
a clear connection between the choices you made while going through
the footprint calculator and the different types and amounts of land
area needed to provide the resources to support those choices (i.e.
“energy land,” “crop land,” etc. as indicated in the Results Box)
Discuss differences in the size of the sectors that provide the
things you need to support your lifestyle (i.e., food, shelter,
mobility, goods, and services) as indicated in the Results Box
Based on the above, make a thoughtful comparison between your
footprint and the USA average
(in Planet Earths, global acres, and tons of carbon dioxide)
and provide possible reasons for any differences
A generalized grading rubric is shown at the end of the
assignment directions.
The point-based grading rubric will be visible in the Dropbox.
4) Submit your
assignment to the D2L Dropbox in the proper format
Prepare your assignment document for submission.
It must contain the following:
Your Name, the date
and “Part A- Ecological Footprint” at the top
Your Results Box
– described in item (2) above
Your Written Summary –
described in item (3) above
your complete assignment as either a
WORD document or a PDF file.
Only .doc, docx or .pdf files will be accepted.
The following file types are NOT acceptable: .png, .tiff,
.pages. If you have a
MAC, be sure you have saved your file in an acceptable format before
you submit it.
Submit the file to the D2L Dropbox
before FRIDAY Oct 2nd
@ 11:59 pm.
Bring a copy
of your Footprint Results Box to class to share with your
group on
Monday Oct 5th
(on paper or electronically)
Project Part A: Ecological Footprint General Grading Rubric
(the point distribution will be visible in the D2L Dropbox where you
will submit PART A)
Screenshot of results box is included.
Written Summary meets or exceeds the criteria for
Excellence spelled out in Item 3 above.
Summary is extremely well written and thoughtful and
contains exceptional originality and/or critical
thinking in making comparisons, connections between
specific behaviors and Footprint results.
Very Good
Screenshot of results box is included.
Written Summary meets the criteria for Excellence
spelled out in Item 3 above.
Summary is very well written and does a good job at
making comparisons and connections between specific
behaviors and your Footprint results.
Screenshot of results box is included.
Written Summary meets most of the criteria for
Excellence spelled out in Item 3 above, but some
areas are not addressed thoroughly or deeply
Summary gets the point across although the writing
could be more effective and/or more carefully
Screenshot of results box is included.
Written summary meets some of the criteria for
Excellence spelled out in Item 3 above, but other
areas are addressed minimally or superficially.
Writing is adequate but may have some grammar or
spelling issues and/or indicate that it was done
rather hastily.
Marginally acceptable
Screenshot of results box is included.
Written Summary is included,
but does not reflect a clear understanding of the
Footprint concept or calculator results and/or is
minimally coherent
Writing is hampered by typos, grammar or other
technical problems, and/or overly simplistic
Screenshot and/or summary are absent
Assignment is submitted in a format that can't be
read, or is undecipherable.