(worth 40 pts)

Required Items for the Project Slide

  • · Name & Group # 

  • Purpose & Motivation -  state the Purpose and Motivation  for your investigation  (5 pts)

  • Connection to Global Change   indicate how your project relates to one or more of the topics of our course.  (9 pts)

    • List the topics by name and # make it clear how the topic(s) connect(s) to your project specifically. 
    • Include some words on the slide that explain or illustrate the connection
    • Include a diagram or figure from class that shows the link between your project /activity/ choice and the class topic(s)
  • What You Did & How You Did it    in a phrase, diagram, table, or graphic: (17 pts)

    • Where or how you got your information (key source, webpage, collected yourself, etc.) 
    • Where possible, include the data  or information (or a summary of it in a table, bullet phrases, etc.)
    •  Depending on the nature of your project, indicate what you DID to draw your conclusion in a phrase or statement  (You will explain this in more detail in the separate written report of course)
    • Illustrate what you did, i.e. what data or information you looked at, collected, etc.
  • Conclusion / Bottom Line Statement/ Recommendation      State your conclusion or "Bottom Line" in a sentence or phrase that states what you found or what you decided in a clear and compelling way ( 5 pts)

  • Overall Quality of Slide & Effort Expended  (4 pts)


(worth 50 pts)
  • Purpose & Motivation  (5 pts)
    • Explain the purpose of your investigation
    • Explain what motivated your for examining it
  • Connection to Global Change (9 pts)  
    • Explain how your project relates to one or more of the topics of our course thoughtfully, specifically and thoroughly
    • Include the course topic (or topics) by name and number
    • Include details about what in each course topic specifically connects to your investigation and explicitly how it does so
  • What was done  (10 pts)
    • Explain what you did; what data or information you collected; where you got it
    • Explain how you organized and analyzed it
  •  What was learned  (10 pts)  
    • Explain what you found out in your research and analysis of your data / information
    • Explain what you discovered and learned,  how your findings relate to your original purpose, and how these results relate to global change
    • Discuss the implications of this information  
  • The Bottom Line (5 pts)  
    • State your conclusion, what you did, what you found. 
    • Explain how the information/data collected supports/substantiates the conclusion & accomplished your purpose
  • References & Originality  (4 pts)  
    • Sources are well-cited in proper format
    • Originality report shows appropriate results
  • Writing and Mechanics (3 pts)  
    • Paper has effective sentence structure, is well-organized
    • Writing is concise; effective and conclusive.
    • Write-up contains only minimal spelling, punctuation, grammatical or typographic errors. 
  • Overall Quality of Report  (4 pts)