I agree to participate in the
Teaching Teams Program as a preceptor in GC-170A, Sec 001 Introduction to Global Change. I
understand that I will receive 3 units of credit in LASC 297 for my participation and completion of all requirements
of the LASC course.
I agree to come to class regularly
and to be prepared to lead occasional in-class activities.
I will make myself available to assist students in the classroom and
on my own time for pre-test study sessions, I will
attend weekly
Teaching Team meetings on Mondays from 4:00 - 5:15 pm, and I will participate actively and
enthusiastically in the weekly workshop component of the LASC
preceptor course in which I will enroll. I am also prepared to assist
with specially scheduled out-of-class activities (computer training
session, etc.) as my schedule permits.
I understand that the degree
and quality of my participation in these activities will be one
measure of my assigned grade in the LASC course.
I agree to complete the textbook
reading and online self-test on an accelerated schedule, and
complete class assignments ahead of time (as needed), so that I
will be prepared to help classmates with the same work.
I understand that my
accelerated completion of readings, self-checks, and assignments --
and my mastery of the course material needed to help my fellow
students -- will be one measure of my assigned grade in the LASC
I agree to submit weekly email
feedback reports to Dr. Hirschboeck about how the class is going
and how students are dealing with the activities, assignments,
readings, quizzes, tests, and exams.
I understand that the
timeliness, thoroughness, and quality of these required reports will
be one measure of my assigned grade in the LASC course.
I will treat students in the class who
come to me for help and advice with courtesy and respect, but I
understand that I do not have to force help on students who do not
want it.
I understand that my role is not to
give answers away to students, but to help them find their own
solutions to problems.
I understand that sometimes I will not
know how to address a student's problem. For situations beyond my
level of expertise, I will personally see that the student gets
appropriate attention from the GTA or instructor.
I understand that my grade in LASC
297a will be commensurate with the degree to which I
meet all of the above expectations; especially those items
highlighted above.
I understand that the instructor and
GTA are committed to making the preceptorship an educational and
rewarding experience for me. I will reciprocate by using every
opportunity to make my experience as a preceptor a positive learning
experience and I will submit a written evaluation to the
Teaching Teams Program at the end of the semester.
I understand that my preceptorship can
be terminated either by me or the instructor at any time during a
probationary period which ends on October 19, 2015 the last day
to drop a course with a grade of W.