Attend one of both of the following talks and write a short paper
about it. Can earn 1-5 bonus pts (if you go to both talks)
or 1 -3 pts (if you go to one talk)
TONIGHT: Nov 2nd
7:00pm - 8:00pm @
Harvill Rm 150 Speaker: Ronald J. Stouffer
Climatologist and Climate Modeler, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Description: How certain are we? Climate models are used to evaluate past climate changes and to make future projections of climate change. How do we know if they are reliable? What role does natural variability play in this story? What is the role for solar or volcanic changes in this story? This talk will address these questions and more. The purpose of the talk is to help you evaluate statements you hear on both sides of the global warming debate and to help you make informed climate choices.
TALK ON: Warming Up to Climate Change: Turning Hot Days into Hot Prospects
Co-Director, Univ of Arizona Institute of the Environment
Event Description:
Climate change isn't all bad news for Arizona. We have the opportunity
to lead the nation in the development of tools and technologies for
adapting to our changing environment - all while boosting our economy
and improving citizens' well-being.
What you need to do to get the bonus points:
3) Copy down A QUOTE you heard during the talk
Combine (2) & (3) into a
1-2 page paper
that describes and explains:
What the talk was about
What concepts in the talk were similar to things we are addressing
in this class
What you learned that was NEW (that we haven’t talked about
. . Yet!)
How you feel about the issue of climate change after hearing the
talk and how it links to
this class.
Paper should be typed out (single or 1.5 line
spacing) DUE IN CLASS ON MONDAY Nov 14th |