Climate Assessment of the Southwest Projects
-- Tools for Climate-Informed Flood
Mitigation: Integrating Flood Hydroclimatology and Paleodata into
Flood Warning and Floodplain Management Applications
-- Southwest TreeFlow Project :
The goal of
this project is to transfer the knowledge and record length that paleodata
provide into useful tools for hydrologic decision making
Improved Tools for Drought Planning and
Management -- Arizona Water
Institute Project
in collaboration with
Arizona State University's Decision Theater.
The main objective of the UA
portion of the project is to provide a framework for the use of tree-ring
data in creating drought scenarios for water managers.
See: A Framework for Generating
Exploratory Scenarios of Drought Conditions Using Tree-Ring Information
-- The Current
Drought In Context: A Tree-Ring Based Evaluation of Water Supply Variability
for The Salt-Verde River Basin, with The Salt
River Project
LTRR-SRP I -- A Tree-Ring Based Assessment of
Synchronous Extreme Streamflow Episodes in the Upper Colorado &
Salt-Verde-Tonto River Basins, with The Salt River Project
Flood Hydroclimatology
(selected publications) Merz, B et al. 2014.
Floods and climate: emerging perspectives for flood risk assessment and
management. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1921-1942, 2014.
Hirschboeck, K.K. 2009. Future Hydroclimatology and the
Research Challenges of a Post-Stationary World: Journal of Contemporary
Water Research and Education. Issue 142, Pages 4-9, August 2009 2014
Michaud, J.D,
Hirschboeck, K.K. and Winchell, M., 2001. Regional variations in small-basin
floods in the United States: Water Resources Research, v. 37, no. 5,
Hirschboeck, K.K., Ely, L. and Maddox, R.A., 2000, Hydroclimatology of
meteorologic floods, in Wohl, Ellen, ed, Inland Flood Hazards: Human,
Riparian and Aquatic Communities, Cambridge University Press, p. 39-72.
H.irschboeck, K.K., 1988. Flood hydroclimatology, in Baker,
V.R., Kochel, R.C. and Patton, P.C., eds., Flood Geomorphology, John
Wiley & Sons, 27 49.
Synoptic Dendroclimatology
(selected publications) Hirschboeck, K.K., Ni,
Fenbiao, Wood, M.L., Woodhouse, C.A., 1996, Synoptic dendroclimatology:
Overview and prospectus, in Dean, J.S., Meko, D.M. and Swetnam, T.W., eds.,
Tree Rings, Environment, and Humanity: Radiocarbon, pp. 205-223.
Paleofloods (selected publications)
Ballesteros-Casanovas, J.A.Stoffel, M. St George, S. and
Hirschboeck K. (2015) A review of flood records from tree rings:
Progress in Physical Geography 1–23.
House, P.K., and Hirschboeck, K.K., 1997, Hydroclimatological
and paleohydrological context of extreme winter flooding in Arizona, 1993:
in Larson, R.A., and Slosson, J.E., eds., Storm Induced Geological
Hazards: Case Histories from the 1992 1993 Winter Storm in Southern
California and Arizona: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America
Reviews in Engineering Geology, v. XI, p. 1 24.
Volcano-Climate-Tree-Ring Relationships
(selected publications)
LaMarche, V.C., Jr. and Hirschboeck, K.K., 1984. Frost rings in trees as
records of major volcanic eruptions. Nature, v. 307, 121 126. |
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