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Tue  / Thu
GCS = The Global Climate System
15 Introductions / Overview


background inventory  
20 no class today GCS Chapt 1 pdf --
22  Solar Radiation & Temperature / Global Energy Balance Kiehl & Trenberth (1997)  Earth's annual global mean energy budget  
Trenberth et al. (2009) Earth's global energy budget 
A note on these readings
Exercise #1
Due Thu Jan 29
(do Part A by Tues & come with questions on Part B)
Global Climate Animations website
27 Moisture & Precipitation /
Global Water Balance
Follow-up reading:
Hayden  (1988) Flood Climates -- an interesting moisture-based approach to classifying climatic regions
Follow up:
complete the short "Adiabatic Processes Review" page in the handout
Bad Meteorology  - Alistair B. Fraser's website on common misconceptions in meteorology

Pressure & Winds / Atmospheric & Oceanic Circulation

Follow-up reading:  
Lorenz, E.N. (1966) The Circulation of the Atmosphere -- a classic, readable overview of the general circulation of the atmosphere from one of the great atmospheric scientists of the 20th century.
Follow up:
complete the blank general circulation table (we'll do the hypothetical continent exercise later)
 NOTE:  In the Lorenz article, the section on numerical weather prediction is dated, but still interesting historically.
3 General Circulation as seen in Weather & Climate Patterns & Processes Review of key concepts & synoptic weather map basics:
Riley & Spolton (1981) World Weather and Climate, 2nd edition, Part 1 General Meteorology, Chapters 1 - 5
Follow Up:
Read through  Exercise #2 (handed out in class) and try Question #1
5 a) Synoptic Patterns and Principles
b) More on Convergence
 and Divergence
Complete the reading assignment from Riley & Spolton for Feb 3 -- review Hayden "Flood Climates" paper Exercise #2 [PDF]  Understanding Synoptic Charts at Various Time Scales.
(DUE Thur Feb 12)
10 Introduction to Centers of Action / Oscillations & Teleconnections GCS Chapter 2 Oscillations and Teleconnections

Overview of the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Dataset  (based on Kalnay et al. 1996)
Pick an index for a class presentation:
Katie's Lat-Lon Guidelines for Plotting Maps [pdf]
12 Global Climate Regions /
Hypothetical Continent
Riley & Spolton (1981) World Weather and Climate, 2nd edition, Part 3 Climatology, Chapter 13 Climatic regions construct the
"Practice Map"
17 Global Climate Regions /
Regional Patterns

Two more "classics" -- an airmass/streamline perspective on global /regional climate patterns & variations:
Wendland & Bryson, 1981, Northern Hemisphere Airstream Regions  &
Wendland & McDonald, 1986, Southern Hemisphere Airstream Climatology
Exercise #3 [PDF]
Regional Climates & Climographs
(Due Tue Feb 24) Attempt Ques. # 1 - 4 prior to class on Feb 19
Here's a large colored map of Trewartha's Climate Regions
19 Tropical Climates /
South  America
GCS Chapt 3 Tropical Climates
Brief overview article on "Climate of South America" 
24 South America (cont.)

 Riley & Spolton (1981) World Weather and Climate, 2nd edition, Part 2 Studies in Synoptic Meteorology  Read the following sections:  Chapter 6 (pp 30-36), Chapter 8 (section on the Southern Hemisphere, pp 61-62) & Chapter 11 (section on Cold-water Coasts, pp 85-86) 

Exercise #3 due today  
26 Introduction to:
 North America
Brief overview article on "Climate of North America"
 Hirschboeck 1991 "Climate and Floods" article
Electronic Atlases & Teleconnection reports explained today  
3 North America 

 Riley & Spolton (1981) World Weather and Climate, 2nd edition, Part 2 Studies in Synoptic Meteorology  Read the following sections:   Chapter 7 (section on Tropical Cyclones, pp 43-47), Chapter 8 (section on Pacific North America, pp 59-61), Chapter  9 (section on North America, pp 70-77) and Chapter 12 (on Mountain Areas, pp 87-95).

5 North America  (cont.)    South America Electronic Atlas due -- class presentations today  
10 North America  (cont.)
GSC  Chapter 4 on Middle-Latitudes
Mock (1996) Climate controls & spatial variations of precipitation in the Western U.S.

Zhou & Lau (1998) Does a Monsoon Climate Exist over South America?

Li & Zeng (2003) A New Monsoon Index and the Geographic Distribution of Global Monsoons
Develop a 1-page proposal idea for your class project  
12 North American /
Mexican monsoon, 
orographic West
Douglas et al. ( 1993) The Mexican Monsoon

Adams & Comrie (1997) The North American Monsoon
Online (in D2L)  midterm exam available
on Wed 3/18 pm
(due on or before 3/30)
Guest speaker: Bob Maddox

   Mar 14-22                Spring Break

24 AAG Conference - no class: Take-Home + Online Midterm Exam    work on projects  
26 AAG Conference
no class
  Take-home + online midterm exam DUE
Midnight Mar 30th
31 Africa Read the following to go along with this week's class on Africa:

1. Brief Encyclopedia of Climatology article on "Climate of Africa" 

2. Riley & Spolton (1981) World Weather and Climate, 2nd edition, Part 2 Studies in Synoptic Meteorology  Read the following sections:  Chapter 7 (section on West Africa, pp 36--37), Chapter 11 (section on Africa and the Near East, pp 82-86)

3. Review GCS Chapt 3 on Tropical Climates

nothing due today in class because of take-home Midterm NOTE:  the North American E-Atlas assignment i s dropped & has been replaced by the E-Atlas in your Midterm



Africa (cont.) Additional Africa articles to read:

4.  Nicholson (2000) The nature of rainfall variability over Africa on time scales of decades to millennia

5. de Witt and Stankiewicz (2006) Changes in surface water supply across Africa with predicted climate change.

6. Nicholson (2009) On the factors modulating the intensity of the tropical rainbelt over West Africa
work on Africa E-Atlas
due on Tuesday Apr 7
7 Europe Read the following to go along with this week's class on Europe:

1. Brief Encyclopedia of Climatology article on "Climate of Europe" 

2. Riley & Spolton (1981) World Weather and Climate, 2nd edition, Part 2 Studies in Synoptic Meteorology  Read the following sections:  Chapter 8 (sections on Western Europe & the Mediterranean, pp 47-59)

3. Review GCS Chapt 4 on Middle-latitude Climates

Africa E-Atlas
due in class today
9 Europe (cont.)

14 Europe
(wrap up )

  work on Europe
due on Thursday Apr
16 Oceania Read the following to go along with the lectures on Oceania:

1. Brief Encyclopedia of Climatology article on "Climate of Australia"

.  Riley & Spolton (1981) World Weather and Climate, 2nd edition, Part 2 Studies in Synoptic Meteorology  Read the following sections:  Chapter 8 (section on The Southern Hemisphere p 61-64)
Europe E-Atlas due in class today  
21 Oceania (cont.) 3. Review GCS Chapt 4, Sec 4.6 on Mid-latitude circulation and teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere. (pp 114-125.)

4.  Additional article of interest:  Nichols (2004), The changing nature of Australian droughts
23  Climate & the Antarctic
5. Read GSC Chapt 5, Climate of the Polar Realms (focus on Antarctica,  p 131-151)

6.  In anticipation of upcoming classes on Asia and the Asian monsoon, read:  "Seasonal Variations in Regional Circulation Systems: The Monsoons"  Ch 7 in Tropical Climatology by McGregor & Nieuwolt -- this chapter discusses the African & Australian monsoons as well.
  Guest Speaker:  Dr. Joellen Russell, Geosciences Dept. 
28 Asia Read the following to go along with the next classes on Asia:

1. Brief Encyclopedia of Climatology article on "Climate of Asia" 

2. Riley & Spolton (1981) World Weather and Climate, 2nd edition, Part 2 Studies in Synoptic Meteorology  Read the following sections: Chapter  9 (section on Eurasia, pp 65-70), Chapter 10 (on High Latitude Areas, pp 77-81)  & Chapter 7 (section on Indian Subcontinent

Oceania E-Atlas due in class today


OR Thur
Apr 30th
30 Asia (cont.) 3. Review GCS Chapt  2 , Sec 2.5 on Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)  & Quasi-biennial Oscillation (QBO),  Chapt 4 on Tropical Climates (59-74) 


5 Asia (cont) 4. Read GCS Chapt 9 on modeling the Asian monsoon climate Asia E-Atlas due in class today  
end of classes
12 Final Exam Time slot 11:00 am - 1:00 PM  Class project presentations  Term Projects due  

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