September 10, 2012
In class today we did the following:
1.Dr H announced that clickers will count starting
today. The details are spelled out below under announcements and have
also been added to FAQ #27 where you can find this link:
2. Then Dr H gave a presentation on Topic #6 Part I - The Radiation Laws
Topic #6 Part I - The
Radiation Laws
3. For our "Sustainability Segment"
we watched the
next segment of the PBS NOVA show:
by the Sun .
(you can now view
it again yourself in D2L under the VIDEOS link.-- We watched the
10 minute section on the huge solar plant at Kramer Junction in the Mohave
Desert. To be continued . . .
Carefully review the presentation for Topic #6 - Part I that you missed
Watch the next 10 minutes of the NOVA show Saved by the Sun online as indicated above.