September 12, 2011
In class today we did the following:
1.Dr H showed a list of the CLICKER ID's that have NO STUDENT NAME
associated with them and a list of student names who don't have a clicker
associated with them.
Please check THIS
LIST to be sure your Clicker is registered properly!
If your name or Device ID appears, you have not yet registered your clicker properly
for Dr H's class.
Click HERE for directions on
how to register properly. (NOTE: I made this list on Sunday
afternoon, if you have registered or re-registered since then, you may be ok!)
2. Then Dr H gave a presentation on Topic #6 Part I - The Radiation Laws
Topic #6 Part I - The
RAdiation Laws [
color pdf
3. For our "Sustainability Segment"
we watched the
next segment of the PBS NOVA show:
by the Sun .
(you can now view
it again yourself in D2L under the VIDEOS link.-- We watched the
10 minute section (beginning about minute 15:25) thst discussed solar energy in
Germany, until the section where
the film starts to discuss
solar in the US.)
-- We'll be
watching mores in upcoming classes.
Carefully review the presentation for Topic #6 - Part I that you missed
Watch the next 10 minutes of the NOVA show Saved by the Sun online as indicated above.
Check the
list to be sure your name or your clicker ID are not
on it -- if they are -- register, or re-register your clicker
by carefully following the directions posted HERE