September 12, 2013
In class today we did the following:
1. Dr H reviewed the "Multi-tiered testing"
framework of the class and explained a few things about how the first In-Class
Tests next Thursday (Sep 19th) would work. (See the slide posted in
ANNOUNCEMENTS below). The "Top Ten things to Study" study guide will be
posted on Friday.
2. Then Dr H gave a presentation on
Topic #6 Part I - The Radiation Laws
Topic #6 Part I - The
Radiation Laws
3. For our "Sustainability Segment"
we watched the
next segment of the PBS NOVA show:
by the Sun .
(You can now view
it again online. Click on the green "Watch the Program" link at .
We watched the
next 12-13 minute section (from about minute 14:00 to 27:00); up to the
place where the program shifts to solar energy in Germany. The video will
be continued . . .
Carefully review the presentation for Topic #6 - Part I that you missed
Watch the next 12-13 minutes of the NOVA show Saved by the Sun online as indicated above.