October 12,  2006



1. Students got in groups and finished up the G-5 WOOD KIT Group Activity.

2.  Then after a brief explanation from Dr H  the groups proceeded with the next steps of the ASSIGNMENT I-4  The Bristlecone Pine Project:

  • PART A: making your own skeleton plot, pattern matching with other students in your group & assigning calendar dates with the master chronology/skeleton plot
  • PART B: Analyzing YOUR site (using skeleton plots and ring width index plots)
  • PART C: Analyzing Site-To-Site Comparisons (using skeleton plots and ring width index plots)
    (NOTE:  not all groups got to Part C  -- there will be time to finish next Tuesdays)  

   Dr H's explanation for the class part of the I-4 ASSIGNMENT 

  WORKSHEET FOR ASSIGNMENT I-4   (PDF file to be  read with Adobe Reader)
                    [NOTE:  This is the SAME as the handout you were given in class.]

3.  NEXT TUESDAY:  the groups will finish the rest of the I-4 class material:

  • Completion of PART B & PART C so that your Observation Table on the I-4 Worksheet is filled in for ALL sites
  • PART D: Developing & Testing Hypotheses

4.  The I-4 BCP REPORT (individual written homework assignment worth 50 pts) is due TUESDAY OCT 24th

    DIRECTIONS FOR HOW TO WRITE THE I-4 REPORT are linked here & also posted under ASSIGNMENTS in D2L