October 12, 2006
1. Students got in groups and finished up the G-5 WOOD KIT Group Activity.
2. Then after a brief explanation from Dr H the groups proceeded with the next steps of the ASSIGNMENT I-4 The Bristlecone Pine Project:
- PART A: making your own skeleton plot, pattern matching with other students in your group & assigning calendar dates with the master chronology/skeleton plot
- PART B: Analyzing YOUR site (using skeleton plots and ring width index plots)
- PART C: Analyzing Site-To-Site Comparisons (using skeleton plots and ring width index plots)
(NOTE: not all groups got to Part C -- there will be time to finish next Tuesdays)
Dr H's explanation for the class part of the I-4 ASSIGNMENT
WORKSHEET FOR ASSIGNMENT I-4 (PDF file to be read with Adobe Reader)
[NOTE: This is the SAME as the handout you were given in class.]3. NEXT TUESDAY: the groups will finish the rest of the I-4 class material:
- Completion of PART B & PART C so that your Observation Table on the I-4 Worksheet is filled in for ALL sites
- PART D: Developing & Testing Hypotheses
4. The I-4 BCP REPORT (individual written homework assignment worth 50 pts) is due TUESDAY OCT 24th
DIRECTIONS FOR HOW TO WRITE THE I-4 REPORT are linked here & also posted under ASSIGNMENTS in D2L
- ASSIGNMENT I-3 was DUE at the start of class – if you turn it in by 5 pm today at Dr H's office in the Football Stadium it will not be considered late.
- The due date for RQ-4 is Monday Oct 16 at noon.
- The first THINKING DEEPLY AP (Active Participation) POINT OPPORTUNITIES are now posted under ASSIGNMENTS in D2L! More to be added later! You need to complete 2 of these before the end of the semester (5 pts each)
- I-2 "Pep Talk" -- If you are not happy with your grade for the I-2 Sun Safety Assignment, you have a GRADE IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITY!! Contact Adam csank@email.arizona.edu Office hrs: Mon 4:00 - 5:00 pm & Fri 10:30 - 11:30 am held in the Information Commons 104A. You can redo the assignment and your new grade will be the average of your two attempts. See Adam for help, to discuss your assignment, and to find out more details. Your re-do of the assignment must be completed & emailed to Adam before midnight on Wed Nov 1st.
- The MIDTERM EXAM grading is not yet done! – you’ll get them next week!
- Get your completed I-3 Assignment to Dr H's office ASAP (It will not be considered late if in by 5 pm today, otherwise 1 pt off per day)
- Review Dr. H's presentation above and work your way as best you can on your own through the I-4 Worksheet PART B by reviewing the links to the Skeleton Plot Masters & Ring Width Indices on the I-4 ASSIGNMENT page. You will have to plot your own core as a make-up later. Details on the Make-Up Session will be given in class on Tuesday. Email TA Jeff jcoliver@email.arizona.edu to let him know you'll be needing to make-up the class.
- I-2 "Pep Talk" -- If you are not happy with your grade for the I-2 Sun Safety Assignment, you have a GRADE IMPROVEMENT OPPORTUNITY!! Contact Adam csank@email.arizona.edu Office hrs: Mon 4:00 - 5:00 pm & Fri 10:30 - 11:30 am held in the Information Commons 104A. You can redo the assignment and your new grade will be the average of your two attempts. See Adam for help, to discuss your assignment, and to find out more details. Your re-do of the assignment must be completed & emailed to Adam before midnight on Wed Nov 1st.
- IMPORTANT: CLICK HERE [pdf file] for Adam's detailed comments on what was needed for a good I-2 paper. Be sure you review adn address these comments as you are re-writing your paper!