Directions for the I-3 The Bristlecone Pine (BCP) Tree-Ring
Research  Project Written Report

DUE in class  Tue Nov 4

 CLICK HERE FOR:   Grading Rubric

There are  3 things  you must submit to complete the assignment:

1)  Your completed I-3 Worksheet (pp 138-142 in Class Notes on which you have taken your notes during the BCP class activity)   [ worth 6 pts ]

2)  Your I-3 Written Report  (typed and including Parts I-IV as described below)   [ worth 18 pts ]

3) Your skeleton plot (Part V described below, i.e., the plot on graph paper that you completed for the tree-ring core you were given in class --it should have on it both your name and the Core ID, e.g. "A-7" )  [ worth 1 pt ]

For referral to help you write a good  report:

Online versions of the materials you used in class:

NOTE:  This is a blank version of  pp 137-142  in CLASS NOTES.  If you don't want to rip out
pp 137 -142 from Class Notes, you can print out a copy off the Worksheet here to prepare a cleaned up
and typed (or carefully hand-printed) version of the notes you took in class


DIRECTIONS: Write a  report of  3-4 pages, (12-font; 1-inch margin) which includes the following four sections.  (I – IV)  (You may include sketches, images, drawings, etc .in addition to the 3 pages). You may use double-spacing, single spacing or 1.5 spacing -- as long as it is typed and you adequately cover all the things you are supposed to write up.   In your report, use  the headings in bold below to identify each section:

I. Introduction & Background –  After a short introductory sentence about dendrochronology and what it is:  (a) state the importance and significance of using  bristlecone pines for dendrochronology,  (b) briefly explain that you analyzed 5 different bristlecone pine (BCP) tree-ring sites, and (c) state what data you had for each site (e.g., skeleton plots, indices, site descriptions -- you don't have to describe the actual data for the sites, just explain what data sources you used and what information they provide in general)

[Hint: See the Ancient Bristlecone Pine website for background on the importance of these wonderful trees:      Be sure to reference this website site if you include any information from it
 CLICK HERE  for examples of how to reference different types of sources, including websites.

II..Description of the Your Bristlecone Pine Site (a)  Describe the key features of the site that YOUR group worked on (including elevation & location, presence or absence of frost rings (with dates), rock type, vegetation density and other things you noticed in the slides about how the site looked, etc.) and  (b) describe the trends and changes over time (e.g. pre-1900 vs. post-1900) that you observed at your site (based on observations of skeleton plots, frost rings, and indices). Compare and contrast the variations at your site with the other 4 sites.

[IMPORTANT:  Your descriptions should be based on your WORKSHEET notes, but should be stated as sentences with more complete wording, and show evidence of a bit more thought. ]

III. Hypothesis Testing  -- (a)  State and explain the underlying reasons for Hypothesis #1 and discuss the result of your hypothesis testing. (b) State and explain the underlying reasons for Hypothesis #2 and discuss the result of your hypothesis testing. (c) State and explain the underlying reasons for Hypothesis #4 and discuss the result of your hypothesis testing.
(NOTE: Hypothesis #4 was the "testable hypothesis about frost rings" that your group should have developed on  p. 142 of the Worksheet, during the last part of the discussion.)

IV.  Summary & Conclusions --  (a) summarize the most important things you learned about the variation in tree growth at your bristlecone pine site and the other 4 sites, (b) state any conclusions emerging from your hypothesis testing, and (c) end your paper by describing what you learned in this exercise about  dendrochronology as a tool for doing global change science.

V.  Lastly, staple your dated skeleton plot to your report.

In addition to the correct dates, your skeleton plot should have both your name and the Core ID on it, e.g. "A-7"  (NOTE:  You don't need to attach the core itself, only the skeleton plot.  If you still have your paper core, please give it back to one of the TA's.) 




  • Allow yourself enough time to think about the activity before you begin writing.
  • Structure your report exactly as stated above closely following  the OUTLINE (I through IV).
  • To get a good grade, be sure you put in the effort to produce the quality of work described in the Grading Rubric under the EXCELLENT column.
  • Take advantage of the LINKS  above to fill in gaps in your understanding and learn about tree rings in more depth.
  • Go "the extra mile" and demonstrate evidence of this.
  • Have someone else proofread your paper.
  • Evaluate your paper yourself, using the Grading Rubric provided -- have you written the kind of report that will get you the grade you want?
  • Do NOT plagiarize !!  <== click on this link to be SURE you are not doing it!
  • Questions on how to cite a reference, including a website? 
     CLICK HERE  for examples of how to reference different types of sources, including websites.