Aug 29, 2006   (The One-Year Anniversary of Hurricane Katrina Landfall)



In class today we did the following:  

1. Students got into their WORKING GROUPS for the first time. Your teams are arranged alphabetically, based on your last name.  

To find out what group you are in, and where you should sit in class for group work see the:
                                 Group Assignment Class List with Classroom Seating Chart
  handout [pdf file]

2.  Dr H gave a presentation on Topic #3 Introduction to Key Issues of Global Change & Quantifying Nature: 

   Topic #3 Introduction to Key Issues of Global Change & Quantifying Nature

3. We watched the classic POWERS OF 10 VIDEO.  You can watch it online again at YouTube by clicking on the following link:

                "A Journey dealing with the relative size of things in the universe and the effect of adding another zero"

 See additional Powers of 10 links on the NATS 101gc Webpage under GLOBAL CHANGE LINKS.  (There will be an AP point "Thinking Deeply" opportunity in October related to "Powers of 10 Day"  10-10-06.)

4.  SCIENTIFIC NOTATION REVIEW:   Students were told to "brush up" on the scientific notation rules on p 21 of CLASS NOTES.
            IGC/Hobson Chapter 2 also has a review and some practice questions.. 

Here are the answers to the Scientific Notation Practice questions on p 21 in Class Notes:

Examples:    (7.5 x 10 5) / (2.5 x 10 2) = 3.0 x 10 3


Wavelength of UV radiation = .0000001 m

Population of the world = 6 x 10 people

Ratio of Earth diameter to diameter of a carbon atom =

1 x 10 7 / 1 x 10 -10 = 1 x 10 17

5.  Students got in their groups and worked on Group Assignment G-1: The Group Ecological Footprint  (If your group didn't finish there will be some time allotted in Thursday's class to do so.)

6.  Students turned in Individual Assignment I-1 Your Ecological Footprint at the end of class by depositing in in their group folder.


1.  In D2L see the CHECKLIST TOOL to find out what you should be working on during this week (Week 2)

2. ONLINE QUIZ  RQ-1 (in D2L) is due by NOON on THURSDAY Aug 31st.

3. OFFICE HOURS for Dr H & the TA's are now posted under TEACHING TEAM

4. Be sure you've filled out and turned in your yellow background form.  You will be administratively dropped from the course if I don't get your form in by Thursday Aug 31st.  Click the following link to get the online version of the BACKGROUND FORM, fill it out, then email it to Dr. H as soon as possible at:

5.  If your group did not finish the G-1 Group Ecological Footprint activity, there will be some class time on Thursday to finish it up.


            -- Get a friend, roommate, relative, etc. to complete the Footprint Quiz
            -- Fill in your information and your friend's information on this handout:   G-1 MAKE-UP HANDOUT  (MS Word document)
  Calculate the Sum and Group Average Total Footprint for the "Make-Up Group's" data on the handout
            -- Discuss the questions with your friend, and type out your answers on the handout.