If you choose this category to investigate, you could explore, contrast or compare a variety of alternative energy sources:  solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, nuclear, etc.  What are the pros and cons of each?

You could also investigate where YOUR power comes from and whether any of it comes form "green" sources.

Another possibility is to learn what all the hoopla is about Cap & Trade -- Who is for it, who is against it, what it is, whether or not it will work (it has been in progress in Europe  . . . so check that out.)  Watch the Story of Cap and Trade to get one perspective . . . then dig out some others!

Here are some possible links to get you started or give you ideas:

GREEN ENERGY -- what's available?

Tucson Electric Power 's (TEP)  Renewable Energy webpage  (or find a similar link at the webpage of your energy provider)

Technicians for Sustainability (TFS) - lots of info here with examples of Tucson homes with solar panels installed and more  . . .


The LINK between ENERGY & WATER:

Here's a short report that gives a great overview of this connection to get your started!

The Energy -Water Collision  [pdf]

For a WATER-ENERGY issue close to home, see the following topic:

 Find out more about the CENTRAL ARIZONA PROJECT (CAP) and the source of the water it delivers!

Visit the CAP WEBSITE - Where does the energy come from to pump water in the CAP uphill to Phoenix and Tucson from its Colorado River and Lake Mead sources?

Read:    Confronting the Intersection of Water, Energy, and Air Quality at the Central Arizona Project  [pdf]


Learn about WIND POWER:

See the New York Times collection of articles on Wind Power News  
(read about installations in many parts of thee country, and about some of the controveries erupting when people don't want a wind farm in their "backyard")

BONUS POINT OPPORTUNITY:  FIRST investigate what the Arizona Corporation Commission does and what the specific energy and utlity policies are for Arizona.  THEN  find out what the different Arizona utilities are doing to meet these  (Tuecson Electric Power (TEP), Salt River Project (SRP), etc.  [ For the full amount of bonus pts visit the utility, interview one of their energy conservation people.]  Summarize your findings and document and explain what you did in a report, slide or video