If you choose this category to investigate, you could explore consumer choices or issues relate to water supply.   Drought is a big problem in many areas of the world, including Arizona and the Southwest.

 Here are some ways you can link this topic to class:

(1)  Calculate your WATER FOOTPRINT!

In Part A you calculated your Ecological Footprint, but there is also a way to calculate your Water Footprint!
Read about the concept of a water footprint at the Water Footprint Network: http://www.waterfootprint.org
and calculate it HERE: http://www.waterfootprint.org/?page=cal/WaterFootprintCalculator


(2)  Through TREE RINGS! 

Visit the Treeflow webpage to see how Dr H and some of her colleagues have
been working with  water managers to address water supply issues:

TreeFlow:  Streamflow Reconstructions from Tree Rings

(3)  Through examining the connection between WATER & ENERGY USE

Read:    The Energy-Water Collision - 10 Things You Should Know [ pdf ]

Here's an additional short report that gives a great overview of thre enegy-water connections to get your started!
The Energy -Water Collision  [pdf] 

For a WATER-ENERGY issue close to home, see the following topic:

(4)  Find out more about the CENTRAL ARIZONA PROJECT (CAP) and the source of the water it delivers!

The level of Lake Mead, one of the CAP sources, has dropped considerably over the last decade.

Arizona Star article:   Arizona Water Worries Worsen - HOW LOW CAN LAKE MEAD GO?

Visit the CAP WEBSITE -- and notice the link to CAP Smart Energy !!  Where does the energy come from to pump water in the CAP uphill to Phoenix and Tucson from its Colorado River and Lake Mead sources?

Read:    Confronting the Intersection of Water, Energy, and Air Quality at the Central Arizona Project  [pdf]


(5) Learn about Water Sustainability at the UA through the Water Sustainability Program:

(6) Learn about other Tucson-area initiatives at this Sustainable Tucson site:

(7)  Read this story written by a UA Student on : " UA efforts to harvest, conserve water adding up" http://swes.cals.arizona.edu/environmental_writing/stories/2011/shemanski.html


Option 1:  After learning more at the links above and below:  Write you own article with photos, modeled after item (7) above! and document it

Option 2: Learn about Rain Harvesting and Graywater and water conservation projects at the links below. Then interview someone who works in the area of water sustainability in Tucson and find out what has been accomplished and what an individual can do.  Or  take some photos of water harvesting practices you can find around Tucson.  Summarize your findings about what you learned in a short report, slide or video

Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond (by advocate Brad Lancaster)

Greywater:  http://www.greywater.com/

Tucson's Graywater Ordinance and other water conservation measures:

Option 3:  Tucson's Sweetwater Wetlands.  Visit the Sweetwater Wetlands, read about it's purpose and put together a short photo-essay about your trip to the Wetlands. Summarize your findings about what you learned in a short report, slide or video                                       https://www.tucsonaz.gov/water/sweetwater-wetlands

Option 4:  Design a bonus activity of your own -- get it checked by Dr H, then go for it!