Grading Rubric for Evaluation of I-3 Tree-Ring Research Report
(worth  25 pts)

ASSIGNMENT: Write a  research report of  3-4 pages, (12-font; 1-inch margin) which includes the following four sections.  (I – IV)  (You may include sketches, images, drawings, etc .in addition to the 3 pages).  You may use double-spacing, single spacing or 1.5 spacing -- as long as it is typed and you adequately cover all the things you are supposed to write up.  In your report, use  the headings shown below  in bold  to identify each section:



CONTENT: 12 pts   Includes the following 4 sections (I-IV) and their subsections (a, b, c, etc)   See the I-3 DIRECTIONS for more detail on what to include

I. Introduction & Background
(a) state the importance of bristlecone pines for studying global change
(c) explain that you analyzed 5 different tree-ring sites, and
(d) state what data sources you had for each site (e.g., skeleton plots, indices, site descriptions -- you don't have to describe the actual data for the sites, just explain what data sources you used and what information they provide in general)

II..Description of the Your Bristlecone Pine Sites
(a) describe the key features of your site
(b) describe the trends over time  you observed at your site.

III. Hypothesis Testing 
(a)  State and explain the underlying reasons for Hypothesis #1 and discuss the result of your hypothesis testing.
(b) State and explain the underlying reasons for Hypothesis #2 and discuss the result of your hypothesis testing.
(c) State and explain the underlying reasons for Hypothesis #4 (this is the one you developed in your group) and discuss the result of your hypothesis testing.

IV.  Summary & Conclusions
(a) summarize the most important things you learned about the variation in bristlecone pine sites
(b) state any conclusions emerging from your hypothesis testing
(c) describe what you learned in this exercise about  dendrochronology as a tool for doing global change science



REFERENCING:  1 pts    (Use referencing format suggestions provided  ==>  CLICK HERE




Needs improvement

 (6 pts possible)
5-6 pts  worksheet adequately filled in & well used in the report 2-4 pts  worksheet partially filled in & used in the report 0-1 pts worksheet absent (0 pts) or only minimally filled in
Skeleton Plot
(1 pt possible)


 1 pt  skeleton plot showing variation in narrow rings with name, label & proper dates attached  0.5 pts skeleton plot attached, but proper dates or something else. missing 0 pts   no skeleton plot attached or sloppy,  incomplete, or  inaccurate plot


(12 pts possible)


10-12 pts based on how well the report:

Addresses I through IV above completely, clearly, thoroughly, accurately, & articulately.

Demonstrates a high level of independent critical thinking about the assignment beyond the classroom; effectively ties together  the observations, hypotheses, class discussion, and conclusions into a well-constructed synthesis of the entire activity.

5-9 pts based on how well the report:

 Addresses I  through IV above completely, clearly, thoroughly, and accurately

 Demonstrates some independent thinking and synthesis; does not just "parrot" phrases from the in-class discussion, but shows evidence of thinking and making connections beyond the classroom about the material in the assignment.

0-4 pts based on how well the report:

 Addresses I through IV, but not completely, clearly, thoroughly or accurately on every point.

 Demonstrates some follow-up thinking about the assignment but mostly repeats what was said in the class discussion and doesn't go beyond this by thinking on one's own.

Expression and format

(3 pts possible)


 2.5-3 ts based on whether:

Headings (noted above) start each section

Paper has effective sentence and paragraph structure. 

Content is well-organized and argument flows well from the organization and format of essay.

Writing is concise; effective introduction and conclusion to the essay is provided.

1 - 2 pt based on whether:

Headings (noted above) start each section

 Most sentences are concise and show good word choice and arrangement. Paragraphs are well-organized.

Content is sufficiently organized and argument is easily understandable from the organization and format of essay.

Adequate introduction and conclusion is provided.

0 - 1 pts based on whether:

Headings (noted above) are not used

Paper is excessively wordy with many poorly structured sentences and poorly organized paragraphs.

Content is poorly organized and argument doesn't hold together in the essay's format and organization

Introduction and conclusion are absent or ineffective.


(2 pts possible)


2 pts based on:

No major spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. (This includes typos, so be sure to spell-check and then to edit.)

1-1.5 pt based on:

A few spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors, but  none that detract from the essay's effectiveness & meaning.

0 -0.5 pts based on:

Many spelling, punctuation or grammar errors that detract significantly from the essay's effectiveness & meaning.

Referencing 1

(1 pts possible)

 1 pt based on:

Sources used are referenced properly (see I-2 referencing guidelines)

0.5 pt based on:

Sources used are referenced, but not in proper format  or some items inadequately  referenced

0  pts based on:

Sources used are not referenced or are poorly referenced

 1 NOTE:   CLICK HERE  for examples of how to reference different types of sources, including websites.