Selected Publications

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Coles, A.R. and Hirschboecl, K.K. 2020. Driving into Danger: Perception and Communication of Flash-Flood Risk . Weather, Climate and Society, (12)3, 387-404. doi: 10.1175/WCAS-D-19-0082.1

Woodhouse,C.A.  Lukas, J.J., Kiyomi Morino, Meko, D.M.,
and Hirschboeck, K.K..  2016.
  Using the Past to Plan for the Future—The Value of Paleoclimate Reconstructions for Water Resource Planning in   Kathleen A. Miller, Alan F. Hamlet, Douglas S. Kenney, Kelly T. Redmond (eds). Water Policy and Planning in a Variable and Changing Climate, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 434 pp. PDF

Ballesteros-Cánovas, J. A., Stoffel, M., St George, S., & Hirschboeck, K. 2015. A review of flood records from tree rings. Progress in Physical Geography, 39(6), 794-816. PDF

Czyzowska-Wisniewski, E.H., van Leeuwen, W.J., Hirschboeck, K.K., Marsh, S.E. and Wisniewski, W.T., 2015. Fractional snow cover estimation in complex alpine-forested environments using an artificial neural network. Remote Sensing of Environment, 156, pp.403-417.

Merz, B et al.  2014. Floods and climate: emerging perspectives for flood risk assessment and management.  Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1921-1942, 2014  doi:10.5194/nhess-14-1921-2014  PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K.  2009. Future Hydroclimatology and the Research Challenges of a Post-Stationary World:  Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education.   Issue 142, Pages 4-9,  August 2009   PDF 

Hirschboeck, K.K. 2009. Flood flows of the San Pedro River. Pages 300-312 in Stromberg, Juliet C. and Tellman, Barbara (eds.) Ecology and Conservation of the San Pedro River. University of Arizona Press: Tucson, 656 pp.  PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K. 2003. Respecting the drainage divide: a perspective on hydrological change and scale:  Water Resources Update, no. 126. (now titled Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education)  PDF

Michaud, J.D, Hirschboeck, K.K. and Winchell, M., 2001.  Regional variations in small-basin floods in the United States:  Water Resources Research, v. 37, no. 5, 1405-1416.    PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K., Ely, L. and Maddox, R.A., 2000,  Hydroclimatology of meteorologic floods, in Wohl, Ellen, ed,  Inland Flood Hazards: Human, Riparian and Aquatic Communities, Cambridge University Press, p. 39-72.    PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K., 1999. A room with a view: some geographic perspectives on dilettantism, cross-training, and scale in hydrology:  Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 89:696-706.    PDF

House, P.K., and Hirschboeck, K.K., 1997, Hydroclimatological and paleohydrological context of extreme winter flooding in Arizona, 1993: in Larson, R.A., and Slosson, J.E., eds., Storm‑Induced Geological Hazards: Case Histories from the 1992‑1993 Winter Storm in Southern California and Arizona: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Reviews in Engineering Geology, v. XI, p. 1‑24.    PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K., Ni, Fenbiao, Wood, M.L., Woodhouse, C.A., 1996, Synoptic dendroclimatology: Overview and prospectus, in Dean, J.S., Meko, D.M. and Swetnam, T.W., eds., Tree Rings, Environment, and Humanity: Radiocarbon, pp. 205-223.  PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K., Floods, in Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, Stephen H. Schneider, ed., 1996, Oxford University Press.

Hirschboeck, K.K., Runoff, in Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather, Stephen H. Schneider, ed., 1996, Oxford University Press.

Faiers, G.E., Keim, B.D., and Hirschboeck, K.K., 1994, A synoptic evaluation of frequencies and intensities of extreme three- and 24-hour rainfall in Louisiana:  The Professional Geographer, v 42, no. 2, 156-163.

Hirschboeck, K.K., 1991, Climate and floods, in National Water Summary 1988-1989 ‑‑ Hydrologic Events and Floods and Droughts:  U.S. Geological Survey Water‑Supply Paper 2375, 67-88.
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Lurry, D.L., Covay, K.J., Hirschboeck, K.K., and Bolourchi, Z., 1990, Louisiana water supply and use in National Water Summary 1987 ‑‑ Hydrologic Events and Water Supply and Use:  U.S. Geological Survey Water‑Supply Paper 2350, 275-282.

Breve, K.A., Bengtson, R.L., Hirschboeck, K.K. and Fouss J.L., 1990, Distribution and correlation of the rainfall erosion index in southern Louisiana.  Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, v.33, no. 2, 487-492.

Tobin, G.A.; Baumann, D.D.; Damron, J.E.; Emel. J.L.; Hirschboeck, K.K.; Matthews, O.P.; and Montz, B.E., 1989.  Water resources research, in Willmott, C.J. and Gaille, G., eds., Geography in America, Merrill, 112-140. 

Hirschboeck, K.K., 1988.  Flood hydroclimatology, in Baker, V.R., Kochel, R.C. and Patton, P.C., eds., Flood Geomorphology, John Wiley & Sons, 27‑49.   PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K., 1987.  Catastrophic flooding and atmospheric circulation anomalies, in Mayer, L. and Nash, D.B., eds., Catastrophic Flooding,  Allen & Unwin, 23‑56.    PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K., 1987.  Hydroclimatically‑defined mixed distributions in partial duration flood series, in Singh, V.P., ed., Hydrologic Frequency Modeling, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 199‑212.    PDF

Hirschboeck, K.K. 1985. Hydroclimatology of flow events in the Gila River basin, central and southern Arizona, PhD. Disseration, University of Arizona.  PDF    UA Campus Repository link:

 LaMarche, V.C., Jr. and Hirschboeck, K.K., 1984.  Frost rings in trees as records of major volcanic eruptions.  Nature, v. 307, 121‑126.

Hirschboeck, K.K., 1980.  A new worldwide chronology of volcanic eruptions, (with a summary of historical ash‑producing activity and some implications for climatic trends of the last one hundred years).  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, v.29, 223‑241.

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