(worth a total of 130 pts)

  PART A Your Ecological Footprint  ( 25 pts)  
  PART B Global Change Film & Video Commentaries (15) pts)
  PART C Project Report & Powerpoint Slide  ( 90  pts)

OVERALL GOAL:   To link what you've learned in our Global Change course to
aspects of your life that impact the Earth's global climate and environment both positively or negatively -- and explore what you (and others) can do about it!

PROJECT OBJECTIVE:   To research and propose a viable and practical choice, action or solution for reducing your Ecological Footprint or increasing your Environmental Handprint.
FOOTPRINTS:  the negative impacts in your use of  the environment's finite resources (usually based on the amount of fossil-fuel-based energy you use and the waste you produce in your everyday actions, as compared to the ability of nature to replenish these resources.)
HANDPRINTS:   the "infinite" good that you can do to make positive impacts simply by changing the way you do things, at home, at work-- or anywhere (such as using a refillable water bottle instead of purchasing bottled water; carpooling, taking public transportation and encouraging your friends to ride with you, instead of all driving separately, etc.)

The project is divided into 3 parts that are interrelated:
  • PART A:  Use the "Ecological Footprint Calculator" to quantify ways in which your everyday life activities are linked to the GC Course Topics through energy and resource use.  

  • PART B:  Select a Project Focus that interests you from one or more suggested  project categories and view a film and short video to identify -- and comment on -- ways in which footprint and handprint actions influence specific aspects of the category (or categories) you are exploring. 

  • PART C: Research, quantify, analyze, and substantiate the pros and cons of a specific choice, action or solution that could be employed to reduce footprints and/or increase handprints related to your selected Project Focus. 

  •  Record the results of your research visually in a suitable format: a table or list of data, charts or graphs, photos or images.

  • Summarize what you did, what you found, and what you concluded or what you are proposing to do in a 3-5 page written report (50 pts) that includes your data and other supporting material and  a single powerpoint slide (40 pts) that summarizes your report visually.

























