Final Project Deliverable
 worth 90 points


Power Point Slide:  Due Tuesday Dec 9th in the dropbox before class. PLEASE BRING COPY TO CLASS!
Project Report:
    Due Wednesday Dec 10th in the dropbox before MIDNIGHT


 The goal of your Linking-to-Life project is to
research, evaluate, and recommend a choice or action that links some aspect of Global Change science (as addressed in our GC 170A1 class) to your everyday life.  

For example, your personal project could involve . . .
  • researching your consumer choices for a product or service (paper products, appliance . ..)
  • researching your own energy use and practical ways to make it more efficient
  •  researching and deciding on the "best green practices" for your household, dorm or organization (fraternity or sorority house, sports team, faith community)
  • researching the pros and cons of a personal lifestyle change (going vegetarian, driving less)
  •  researching a wise investment for now or later (your dream car, "green" fund, going solar)
  • evaluating an advocacy group to support or join
  • researching an idea for an "eco-preneurial" product or service
  • researching the best ways to reduce waste
  • evaluating local businesses in terms of their environmental policies and practices
  • the possibilities are endless . . . . see the Resources links below for more ideas!


To accomplish this goal you will: (a) select a project focus and decide on the purpose and motivation for your investigation, (b) research your project by collecting information and relevant data, (c) analyze the the information, including how it links to our GC course topics, and (d) draw a conclusion and (if appropriate) a recommendation.

There are two "deliverables" that will be graded:   a written Project Report (3 - 5 pages)  that describes (a) through (d) above, and a single Powerpoint Slide for sharing in class that summarizes your project visually and effectively. 


The assignment involves the following steps:

STEP 1: Project Focus -- Based on something you've learned in our class, decide on a Choice, Action or Decision to evaluate which relates to your everyday life, your deeply held values, your future life plans, your major or career or some other thing that is important to you now or in the future --(see examples above) 

HINT:  Is your choice or action something that can actually be evaluated with information or data available to you or by collecting the data yourself?   If not, re-think it  -- don't devise an impossible task for yourself!  Make it do-able, but not a slacker job!!.  It should be an effort comparable to a 90 point assignment (e.g., equivalent to the effort put into studying for two in-class tests

STEP 2:  Research & analysis -- Collect the data or supporting information you need, organize it in a way that allows you to analyze and interpret it (e.g., present it in a list, table, graph, image, etc.) and draw your conclusion based on the information you've collected. 

STEP 3: Report Write-Up and Summary Slide -  Write up a  Project Report  that describes (a) through (d) in the "How to Do It" box above and display your investigation and what you discovered, decided, and/or concluded on a single Powerpoint Slide using the Deliverables Format guidelines linked below.

STEP 4: D2L Dropbox submission: 2 due dates   
Tuesday Dec 9th
  Deposit the  Powerpoint slide in the LTL Part C dropbox folder no later than noon on Tuesday Dec 9th (30 minutes before our last class) and bring a paper or electronic copy of it to class. 
Wednesday Dec 10th
Deposit the written Project Report in the  LTL Part C dropbox folder no later than 11:59 pm on Wednesday Dec 10th, the last day of the semester.


are listed at the end of each RESOURCE LINK below!! 


Click on the category links below to find additional suggestions and ideas that may help you develop and research your project:

(Note: if you find some links that are broken on these pages, please let Dr H know!)



























